Well, I am pondering the latest suggestions made, and I am not sure I want to go down the road again of another Board Of Inquiry, even though it might be a "light" version with pre-approved threads or even be limited to a single post which would be a query about the person someone is interested in. In the latest post made it sounds like quite a bit of custom programming would be needed to implement such a plan. Plus it appears that quite a bit of hands-on management would be needed. Honestly, I am not interested in custom programming, nor putting more burden on myself or the moderators for this. A lot of effort was put into keeping the Board of Inquiry running, as well as setting up that Good Guys Certificate program, and where has it gotten me? Sorry, but no. I can recognize a dead end when I see one.
I believe I COULD set it up such that all threads placed in a particular forum as well as the replies could be set up needing pre-approval before becoming public. But I am NOT sure this could be a task taken up by the moderators or if it is something I would need to do personally on my own as admin. I believe it could be a colossal headache, regardless. Surely, every one of the threads or posts rejected would generate a nasty-gram from the person who wrote it, who is now incensed that their post was found wanting, and now demanding an explanation. Thanks, but no thanks.
And quite honestly, admittedly it did gripe me somewhat in the Board of Inquiry days where someone would come here with a problem that began with their transaction that took place somewhere else. Basically dragging this site into their battle that really belonged where that transaction took place. Yes, I realize that many of those other places did not allow a BOI style discussion, but I was getting to be pretty incensed to see people bring their flamewar here, sometimes getting me threatened with a lawsuit as a result. Then after it got resolved, never was the person to be heard from again. Off they go back to that other place where they would continue their buying, selling, and participating elsewhere.
Pardon my french, but screw that. I don't want that sort of thing here any longer.
So with the above in mind, perhaps my first suggested plan might be the appropriate plan to consider as the front runner. Keep any discussions focused directly within a classified ad placed by a particular party and limited to that contained area. I am only interested in situations directly affecting and taking place ON this site. I really don't care to become involved in anyone's issues anywhere else on the net. If someone gets scammed by someone on facebook, or where ever else, deal with it THERE, not here. If that same person is advertising here, then fine, if there is a classified ad involved, discuss it there and ONLY there on this site. If they are not advertising here, than it is just not my problem to have to deal with.
As per one suggestion, if someone wants to inquire about a particular seller, then fine ask there in the ad itself or just ask for a contact from someone with experience via private message. I suggest PM over email because spam blocking has made emails pretty unreliable from this site. And I suggest keeping the conversations internal as much as possible for that reason. If the seller gets their toes feeling kind of toasty because of the scrutiny, and decides that more fertile fields lie elsewhere, then so much the better. Problem solved here.
So in a nutshell, I am not at all enthused about creating a new forum for BOI style postings, even in a limited and tightly controlled sense. It puts a burden on us to pre-filter all posts made, and that therefor puts some responsibility on us for what is allowed to be posted there. That, in itself, could be a legal minefield. I would not ask that of the moderators, and I sure as hell am not going to take that on myself.
Honestly, I don't think anything will be without faults and headaches. But I am looking for a method that will limit that as much as possible so I don't find myself regretting making any change that I might have to rescind in 6 months. If I find that abuse has overweighed any possible benefit the majority of the membership is getting from it, then it will have to go. So honestly, one criteria that I am weighing heavily is the ease of implementation, as well as how easy it would be to roll back from it if things go sour with it.