New member
Remember I did try to start an organization and then our good friend Andrew wyatt secretly set up PAARK with that idiot Larry kenton...and the lied to PA show owners trying to get me kicked out of the PA shows...the lied to PA legislators and PA breeders trying to get me black listed as the biggest threat to reptiles in PA.. all kinds of good stuff was done to me for TRYING TO FIGHT FOR MY RIGHTS ...I believe usark pulled some similar stunts with Jeff Barringer when he was working on his group/ council. ..I think usark went so far to say they never were even asked to be a part of it until Jeff posted publicly all the emails and so that were sent....and for the record there's a small group of people working on something new right now...but of course it has to be done quietly behind closed doors so no one will have to suffer the passive-aggressive wrath of the Bagnal drones