is usark over stepping its rights by proposing rules for states without asking us

I'm not saying I own the thread but I'm simply asking why is Warren on here if he can't answer any questions. ..he certainly isn't here for my company. ...As for me belittling people. .look through this whole thread all I got from people was belittled for having some unpopular opinion and making claims about usark and wyatt which about 98% of them turned out to be right. ...look at some of the above post where I was duck in water or something and I can't see right and a host of other insults...maybe no one called me an idiot but there are belittling insults nonetheless. my question is may I insult other in the manner they insult me or have they been receiving infractions like I have? It's a reasonable question to ask...and if I may insult other they way they insult me do you have some kind set of rules or maybe a guide book I can follow as to avoid any further infractions? I just want to make sure I'm within the fauna guidelines for passive-aggressive attacks

I don't particularly care about what happened in the past, and your reflections on the past does not give you any free pass to act in an insulting and belittling manner now, nor in the future. Infractions are not based on any yardstick measuring what someone may have said to or about you in the past, and therefor allowing a tit for tat response.

Infractions are not made public, and they are used where it appears applicable. So no, you will not know who got infractions and how many or the level of which, they may have incurred. Which, quite frankly, is irrelevant to what YOU post. If you don't want to get infractions, then don't act in a manner whereby you will earn them, REGARDLESS of what anyone else says or does here that you may feel that you MUST reply in like kind. If they violate the rules, and staff here reads such posts, then quite likely they will get infractions. I say "quite likely" because it's not a given that any of the mods will agree with YOUR assessment of such posts.

But bear in mind that none of the mods, and myself in particular, are under any requirement to read every post made on this site. So it is entirely possible for someone to make a post that would deserve an infraction IF it were read by one or more of the moderators, but does not. If someone is posting personal slurs towards you, let them. Just report the posts, and eventually they will likely get banned if the infractions don't change their attitude. If you reply in like kind, all that will mean is that YOU might possibly get banned too. Taking the higher ground is well advised in situations of this nature.

Where you are apparently running afoul is by being insulting and using derogatory slurs towards other members. Perhaps this is not something that other sites you frequent are much concerned about, but I really don't care how someone else, or someplace else, enforces their rules (or lack thereof). And I particularly have no interest in spending my time discussing such matters with you personally at length. There is a thread in the Board of Inquiry forum at the top explaining general rules for posting there that in many cases apply to the entire site. And I believe there is a FAQ section around here somewhere that may help you in that regard as well. But with or without such guidance, I believe just using some common courtesy, and at the very least READ your own posts and reflect on how any personal attacks coming from someone else being directed at YOU would make an impression on you, is in order.

Oh yeah, please note that just because someone may say something that you do not like is not going to automatically put it in the classification of being something that is against the rules and therefore automatically result in the other party being smited with an infraction. Someone disagreeing with you is not an infractionable offense on this site.
I will agree that perhaps USARK is not following the best course of action and perhaps has corrupt members. But I have come to realize that NO organization is without faults like these. NO organization is perfect and doesn't do stupid stuff that will make people loose faith in them. I use to believe in the National Wildlife Fund thinking they were helping save endangered species and take in stray cats&dogs so I supported the organization. Now I find out that they announced they support the ban on ALL reptiles as pets stating they belong in the wild only not in the pet trade. They're not against just capturing wild reptiles to sell into the pet trade but they're against captive breeding of reptiles as pets too. Seems way against their purpose and a bad waste of funds that could save the lives of hundreds of cats, dogs, and critically endangered species. As South Park put it you will often have to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich and have to support the lesser of two wrongs. I personally think USARk can do and will do good though not quickly or efficiently and not without doing some wrong along the way. I will continue to support USARK though as I mentioned like all groups they have done some stupid stuff they should not have done.
I will agree that perhaps USARK is not following the best course of action and perhaps has corrupt members. But I have come to realize that NO organization is without faults like these. NO organization is perfect and doesn't do stupid stuff that will make people loose faith in them. I use to believe in the National Wildlife Fund thinking they were helping save endangered species and take in stray cats&dogs so I supported the organization. Now I find out that they announced they support the ban on ALL reptiles as pets stating they belong in the wild only not in the pet trade. They're not against just capturing wild reptiles to sell into the pet trade but they're against captive breeding of reptiles as pets too. Seems way against their purpose and a bad waste of funds that could save the lives of hundreds of cats, dogs, and critically endangered species. As South Park put it you will often have to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich and have to support the lesser of two wrongs. I personally think USARk can do and will do good though not quickly or efficiently and not without doing some wrong along the way. I will continue to support USARK though as I mentioned like all groups they have done some stupid stuff they should not have done.[/QUOTE

I just can't bring myself to support usark knowing the board is all the same people that let wyatt do what he did...also it's kind of hard to overlook the fact that the board itself seem rather disconnected from the mission of the organization itself. ...As we saw with Dr booth saying don't ask me ask phil....that's pretty much all you will get from anyone on the board. When usark was started I think they picked the board based around getting the right names so the rest of the industry would support it....remember no one heard of wyatt before usark. .so usark needed the right people on the board to get the support of the industry. ...I think usark has become something different then it was and is definitely to the point of needing a board that is proactive instead of depending on phil to do everything. ...a pro active board could be doing research for the lawsuit. .could be doing public records request which are usually free or close to it ....until you hire an attorney and have to pay them by the hour to do something you could do for no cost .....I think the one big thing usark could be doing but isn't is showing people how to fight legislation in their own states. ..or at least showing them how to do the research of legislation. ...a reptile industry full of people that understand the legislative process would do much better in these fights....also I know it wouldn't go over well but sooner or later usark will have to address the irresponsible behavior in the industry that's led to us looking so bad and being easy targets. ..also the over production of reptiles that creates unwanted snakes and also crashes markets...just look at banana balls....these are issues being ignored by the industry and they are also destroying the industry and creating's great if usark saves retics but the truth is the retic market got destroyed already by the listing. ....even if the ban is totally lifted prices won't go back up.. people aren't going to look at retics and say I need to invest in some of those....they're done...and its sad..
Rodney I respect your opinion and will not prosecute you for it as some will do. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I do agree they could be doing more and doing better things to help, but there's no organization I don't feel this way about. I personally think Retics and Anacondas and Rock Pythons belong in zoos not houses as pets, but that's because I've seen so many abused because it's hard for many people to reasonably take care of such a large adult sized animal. Of course it's no different with dogs and cats now a days. However, I still morn their addition to lacy for the people that are responsible snake owners and because it's a loss of one of our rights. Rodney I just wanted to tell you that despite our views being different I will continue to support you as a breeder. I have already left you a good review on the BOI.
Rodney I respect your opinion and will not prosecute you for it as some will do. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I do agree they could be doing more and doing better things to help, but there's no organization I don't feel this way about. I personally think Retics and Anacondas and Rock Pythons belong in zoos not houses as pets, but that's because I've seen so many abused because it's hard for many people to reasonably take care of such a large adult sized animal. Of course it's no different with dogs and cats now a days. However, I still morn their addition to lacy for the people that are responsible snake owners and because it's a loss of one of our rights. Rodney I just wanted to tell you that despite our views being different I will continue to support you as a breeder. I have already left you a good review on the BOI.

The nice thing about retics is we now have the super dwarfs and other island retics that stay small....we now can produce retics that are a manageable size that anyone can take care properly. ...I have 15 year old Kalatoa islands that are 8ft....probably the biggest misconception about retics is their size.....most retics that have been imported come from the 3 biggest islands in indo...sumatra java and sulawesi. ..these have the biggest retics and are the most heavily populated by people. there's where the retics come from....but the really small islands with little to no people also have retics most of which range in size of 6 to 12ft...the smallest known retics are karompas. .there's never been one found much over for the pet market we can provide retics for people that can't deal with a 20ft snake....cbb super dwarfs are the number one requested retic people are looking for....if I had 100 of them I could sell them in a matter of weeks....
Rodney, you seem to have a lot of issues organizing your thoughts and putting them into written form. If you want to get your message out there, please take the time to make an outline and organize your thoughts.
Then don't support usark. You say you can't (support usark)because it's the same board that allowed Andrew to do what he was doing but they got rid of Andrew and moved on. Maybe it's time everyone else moves on too. Andrews been gone quite some time now. Changes don't come overnight. Many times usark finds themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place and they go with the best of no good options. I really don't understand what the point of this thread is except to bash usark. It certainly doesn't appear to be productive in any way. I understand your upset but do something productive. Nothing better than usark is going to come along so until then they have my support and I will do what I can to benefit the organization. They need all the help and support they can get. We have major battles ahead.
Who ever is in charged should be spending money on law suits. We needed 50,000 for a good lawyer here in ohio. We didn't get a lawyer from usark to file suit. Now everyone paying for it. Ohio is where we needed to win the war. Usark had money but will not go to court cause it cost money. Start spending some money in court. Usark needs a lawsuit in every state from every angle and people will stop messing with us period. Each state needs to raise its own money for lawyer bills. Lawsuits and more lawsuits and more lawsuits till we win or they give up will win war.
Plus I heard the human society has something planed for all breeders here in ohio. This new law will effect everyone period. Because if it wins in ohio you will see coming to your state just like with big snakes. If you have more the 30 of one animal. (Geckos, ball pythons) you will be labeled a hoarder and animal taken with no compensation.
Usark is not filling lawsuits so we need a organization that's going to take out money to win and not play ball. Usark is playing ball with are enemies hoping not to hurt there feelings. Take are money and spend it on dinners and travels but no lawyer for ohio. Where's are lawyer? he should have a brief case full of money and high fiving us at the all ohio reptile show saying we will win. No lawyer here just helplessness. One lawsuit filled that's crazy should be 5 to 6 now period. My crazy neighbor has filled more lawsuits agianst the state then usark has. They probably spend the money on steak dinners deciding on what snake to give them next.
Can anyone translate the last three posts for me? Being from Ohio I feel I should make an effort to figure out what alex bleas is saying. Thanks.