Recovering Boa addict
I have read articles and heard many view points on this and I am curious to get some numbers here on exactly how many people are not investing in high end snakes due to possible legislation. Let me know what you think! 

I have read articles and heard many view points on this and I am curious to get some numbers here on exactly how many people are not investing in high end snakes due to possible legislation. Let me know what you think!![]()
Deborah, both on the list or off. I have heard of people scared to buy small constrictors, in fear they will be added to the list.
I appreciate your comment Brian, good input. thanks
The proposed legislation has definitely affected not only my buying habits, but the time line for the way I intended to build my collection as well.
I weigh every single boa I want up against the possible worst outcome of it. Most come up short.
I will be leaving this state, I will be taking my snakes with me. Boas & all, regardless of the outcome. Any boa I buy now has to awesome enough for me to break federal law for.
There are also boas I've went all out for ahead of schedule just in case it passes and I can't get my hands on them in the future.
And I'm really really tempted to grab a retic now instead of waiting, even though I know I should wait.
In regard to species not yet on the list, that also affected my planned purchases.
I bought some Carpets ahead of schedule. Just in case, since I figure they'd be one of the next easy targets if this passes or is tried again.
It managed to even out to me spending about the same amount of money I normally would, just a lot more carefully & in a slightly different direction.