Hey Rob,
I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry that you have to deal with such a awful customer, that has been nothing but a migraine to read about! I can't even imagine being involved in such a situation as you're in with Thomas Dorn (aeterrabyte)!
I wish you the best and hope the end is near with this whole fiasco and you can put it behind you and move on. I also hope that no harm comes to the snake or more harm I should say from Thomas' actions. With the little game he is playing now about shipping regardless if you're there to accept the package, and as he has stated if the snake is DOA it will be your fault in his delusional mind. He has not a care in the world for the health of that snake, which is infuriating! Anyway best of luck to you and "Yellow!"
Oh yeah one last thing I wanted to commend you on how professional you have been throughout this ordeal it speaks volumes about your character!
Take care and good luck,