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  • You're awesome!! Always the #1 person to come to for help.
    But now I can't use elipsises (elipsi?) anymore because of you footer note when you comment on here :p
    After all the talking we did and some clarity you provided I realized that last year as part of my breeding programs future i bought a super hypo...duh.....
    I hope you dont feel i wasted your time, you educated me and gave me some insights I didnt have before. Ive decided to go with a couple different paths that will take me down a privately run project and also to making sunglows (hopefully)
    I cant thank you enough for your patience with me, i will certainly always keep an eye out for your name when im buying to repay the time you spent educating me.
    Most Sincerely
    I think so, Have to see what all the wife has going on, but I'm hoping we can make it tomorrow. You?
    Hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving! Ours was pretty much out of Christmas Vacation, it was a nightmare. lol
    Ok, we're going. We decided to take the kids and run 'em around there a while. Dr. Funk will be there, and I want to pick his brain a bit too. Do you want to meet here and all go together?
    We're still trying to decide. We need some feeders for their winter schedule and are thinking either going to Christian or the show. Are you guys coming up? If you don't make this one, we have Repti-Con at the fair grounds next month. Any luck moving your babies?
    That's messed up. What excuse are they giving you, we'll have the funds when Romney's elected?
    It's been a while, but aren't they(military) usually like 30 days behind in paying your expenses. Still though that's pretty fucked up, good thing the nation has a "pro military" mentality right! Companies out here have always been pricks, utilities in particular. I've been wanting to bail on this place forever, but we're stuck until the grand parents either decide to move or they pass. I am soo ready for someplace green... with four seasons... and where the majority of the population aren't tools. lol
    This is about my post you commented on. For some reason I cannot reply on the ad itself. I bought her from a breeder online last year. I couldn't find much on arabesques, and as the breeder explained to me she has a low expression, but is still an arabesque. As I understand it, it works much like the jungle trait in that there is a lot of variance in how much the trait is expressed. I this not true?
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