How is the weather now? Are the streets OK? Any chance that you and Connie could just go away for a week?
I'm certainly praying that Ian does not come straight for you, or doesn't gather strength like they describe; the more I read, the more apprehensive I am.
The weather is beautiful here right now. As for getting away this week, I wouldn't count on that happening. Connie is going to the hospital to get a port installed on Tuesday for her continued chemo treatment. That gets slid under the skin on her chest and attached to a tube that ties into one of the major arteries going into her heart. Then she has an appointment Wednesday with our new primary care physician, and I have my appointment with same on Friday.
I imagine after her surgery she isn't going to feel much like moving around a whole lot. I won't be at all surprised if she cancels out of her PCP appointment. And I doubt it likely that I will be attending mine if that hurricane is actually going to be making landfall here Friday morning.
What makes me nervous, is that when hurricane Michael was being forecast, they also predicted that it would lose strength before making landfall. And it pretty nearly wiped Mexico Beach right off of the map as a Cat 5 storm. I didn't believe them, so Connie and I bailed out of here and stayed at a motel over on the east coast, out of the way. This time things are complicated for us. But it could be worse. Connie was actually supposed to have her first Doxil treatment on Tuesday with her previous oncologist. That stuff can have some pretty bad side effects. So no good scenarios, only one somewhat better than the other concerning how Connie will likely be feeling this week.
But at least I got the standby generator fixed up and ready in case we have to just hunker down here. Unless a tree falls across it or the propane tank, of course.
If Connie is feeling up to it, I suppose we could just jump into the Grand Cherokee and bug out somewhere. The front seats will fold down flat and would be OK to sleep in if we had to just drive to a rest stop or a Walmart parking lot somewhere out of the target area. But depends on how Connie is feeling then. It is considered minor surgery, but still, getting cut is going to be painful for a while. I watched a video of the procedure, and it certainly doesn't look like any fun to me.
Oh well, we will just have to see what happens. Two of the four models I am watching are still calling for Ian to hit somewhere near Tampa. But by Tuesday or Wednesday I expect the predictions should be more accurate by then.