• Posted 12/19/2024.

    I am still waiting on my developer to finish up on the Classifieds Control Panel so I can use it to encourage members into becoming paying members. Google Adsense has become a real burden on the viewing of this site, but honestly it is the ONLY source of income now that keeps it afloat. I tried offering disabling the ads being viewed by paying members, but apparently that is not enough incentive. Quite frankly, Google Adsense has dropped down to where it barely brings in enough daily to match even a single paid member per day. But it still gets the bills paid. But at what cost?

    So even without the classifieds control panel being complete, I believe I am going to have to disable those Google ads completely and likely disable some options here that have been free since going to the new platform. Like classified ad bumping, member name changes, and anything else I can use to encourage this site to be supported by the members instead of the Google Adsense ads.

    But there is risk involved. I will not pay out of pocket for very long during this last ditch experimental effort. If I find that the membership does not want to support this site with memberships, then I cannot support your being able to post your classified ads here for free. No, I am not intending to start charging for your posting ads here. I will just shut the site down and that will be it. I will be done with FaunaClassifieds. I certainly don't need this, and can live the rest of my life just fine without it. If I see that no one else really wants it to survive neither, then so be it. It goes away and you all can just go elsewhere to advertise your animals and merchandise.

    Not sure when this will take place, and I don't intend to give any further warning concerning the disabling of the Google Adsense. Just as there probably won't be any warning if I decide to close down this site. You will just come here and there will be some sort of message that the site is gone, and you have a nice day.

    I have been trying to make a go of this site for a very long time. And quite frankly, I am just tired of trying. I had hoped that enough people would be willing to help me help you all have a free outlet to offer your stuff for sale. But every year I see less and less people coming to this site, much less supporting it financially. That is fine. I tried. I retired the SerpenCo business about 14 years ago, so retiring out of this business completely is not that big if a step for me, nor will it be especially painful to do. When I was in Thailand, I did not check in here for three weeks. I didn't miss it even a little bit. So if you all want it to remain, it will be in your hands. I really don't care either way.

    Some people have indicated that finding the method to contribute is rather difficult. And I have to admit, that it is not all that obvious. So to help, here is a thread to help as a quide. How to become a contributing member of FaunaClassifieds.

    And for the record, I will be shutting down the Google Adsense ads on January 1, 2025.
  • In short, DON'T! Email notices are to ONLY alert you of a reply to your private message or your ad on this site. Replying to the email just wastes your time as it goes NOWHERE, and probably pisses off the person you thought you replied to when they think you just ignored them. So instead of complaining to me about your messages not being replied to from this site via email, please READ that email notice that plainly states what you need to do in order to reply to who you are trying to converse with.

Internet dating 101

just keep in mind a lot of that passport bro ish is women just wanting to get US citizenship, be careful...
Well, if they want to trade for that, I am willing to listen to the terms they want to offer. :hehe:

I stumbled on sites that actually have women advertising that they want to be "spoiled" and will "spoil" their man right back. And women blatantly looking for a sugar daddy.

I just had an interesting proposition a few moments ago. One of the spammer women I outed has threatened me that they are going to post nude photographs of me unless I send her an apple gift card. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I kid you not... I told her to go ahead. I have never sent any nude pics to anyone, and I can't imagine why anyone would care anyway. I guess she forgot I am a widower. So yeah, I told her to go ahead as maybe it would attract more women to me that way. My method sure isn't working well. So I asked her to send me any leads she gets from those photos.

I swear, you can't make this stuff up.
Well, if they want to trade for that, I am willing to listen to the terms they want to offer. :hehe:

well they offer anything and everything you want, get here, stay with the man until they get their citizenship and required months/years to not be deported back and then leave (and take what they can), so just be careful is all I'm saying :)
well they offer anything and everything you want, get here, stay with the man until they get their citizenship and required months/years to not be deported back and then leave (and take what they can), so just be careful is all I'm saying :)
Well, heck, I don't expect to live forever. If she cleans and cooks and takes care of all wifely duties for the duration, what do I care? If I am still able, I will just go get another one and play that tune again. The way things seem, I doubt I could expect much more from life. Just get a rock solid prenup signed with an "unsatisfactory service" escape clause and make the best of it.

Looks like I am feeling kind of jaded in my old age, don't it? :rotflmao:

I tend to treat people how they treat me. So if some woman wants to try to scam me in such an arrangement, then I can return the favor. Honestly, after what I went through, and am still going through, might be best to have a woman leave me before she gets sick and dies anyway. I sure as heck don't ever want to go through this again.

I still haven't heard anything back from that girl who said she was going to blackmail me. Darn...

Oh, and I may have a date on Wednesday. With a real live girl. Or at least I hope so. Kind of strange because her profile doesn't contain any photos. And since she claimed she was located in Tallahassee, I contacted her anyway and told her pics would be nice, otherwise no one is going to be interested in contacting her. Come to find out she had a previous account that she said she dropped that did have pics, and we actually chatted together for a bit. Darn if I can remember though. So it is going to be a one way blind date. She will know me from sight, but I won't know her. Maybe. She said I will likely remember her when I see her. Otherwise she said I should just walk in, take a look around, if no one seems appealing, just turn around and leave. She said the way I will recognize her is that she has a fat butt and a pretty face. I kid you not. This one has GOT to be strange.

Seems like most of the fake accounts are using some sort of Chat GPT AI of one form or another. The replies just seem to mechanical.
Well, I forgot to click the "Post reply" button when I originally typed the above a day or so ago. Amazed that this platform kept me message in a DRAFT stage all this time.

Anyway, not sure how that "date" I mentioned on Wednesday is going to go. Whoever it was I was chatting with got her account blocked on the "Plenty Of Fish" site we were on. So not sure what that means. Do I go or not go? I probably will. Not far from me and the drive down to St. Marks is a nice drive. Probably wind up going there, getting a glass of orange juice, then drive around a bit before heading back home.

Got another scammer today who used the ruse of pretending to text me by mistake. Then act like she is interested in learning about me. I nipped that in the bud pretty quickly when she told me she was into gold investments by telling her I had NO interest in investments whatsoever. I am at the stage of my life where I want to SPEND money, not try to make more of it. Zing! Gone!

And I had a decidedly unusual thing happen today. One of the women who claims to live in Miami texted me and asked for my home address. Well she has been saying she wants to come see me, but finances are short. Now I haven't been able to find anything on her to prove she is bogus. She has sent me lots of pics, and NONE of them have ever had matches online using SocialCatFish.com. And she also has a Facebook page with some older pics that seems to be a couple of years old. Seems legit, but maybe I am just paranoid. Truth be known, I did send her some money. She said she had a paycheck that was delayed and had bills that needed to be paid. Of course I balked, thinking it was just another scam in progress. But heck, she SOUNDED real. And I got to thinking, maybe in order for me to FIND a friend, I have to BE a friend.

We have talked a couple of times briefly on the phone, but she claimed to have a bad connection and got off the phone pretty quickly. Anyway, she texted me this morning and asked for my home address. So I gave it to her. She asked if I liked surprises. Well yeah! As long as they are pleasant surprises and not unpleasant ones! So she said I should expect a surprise soon. I had no idea what she was talking about. But not long afterwards I heard my driveway alarm alert and a car was pulling up. A girl got out with a hat saying "Papa John's Pizza" and she had several items for me. I honestly didn't know what the heck to make of that! Is this woman REAL? She is attractive, but not like the drop dead gorgeous porn stars and models that most of the scammers will use. Definitely looks like she could be a keeper if she is real. I believe she said she is 54 years old, so not outrageously young and at a reasonable age that would be somewhat plausible. Also a widow whose husband and another son died in an auto accident 8 years ago.

So I don't know what to think about this one. Might be the queen of scammers who has been doing this for a long time and knows all the buttons to push. This gift today was to prime the pump for the kill shot later on where I would be made to feel guilty for not trusting her to send a larger sum of money to help her out. After all, she DID send me that gift to prove she was serious about me, didn't she? So shields are still up, but I am wondering if I am in deep paranoia now.

And what about that Wednesday date? Hell, I dunno. If God has a plan for me, I haven't a clue what it is.
Anyway, not sure how that "date" I mentioned on Wednesday is going to go. Whoever it was I was chatting with got her account blocked on the "Plenty Of Fish" site we were on. So not sure what that means.
POF finally got enough scam reports on the account to whack it.

Got another scammer today who used the ruse of pretending to text me by mistake. Then act like she is interested in learning about me. I nipped that in the bud pretty quickly when she told me she was into gold investments by telling her I had NO interest in investments whatsoever. I am at the stage of my life where I want to SPEND money, not try to make more of it. Zing! Gone!
You've set yourself up for all of the sob story I need money for <insert tragic story here> from these same scammers.

So I don't know what to think about this one. Might be the queen of scammers who has been doing this for a long time and knows all the buttons to push. This gift today was to prime the pump for the kill shot later on where I would be made to feel guilty for not trusting her to send a larger sum of money to help her out. After all, she DID send me that gift to prove she was serious about me, didn't she? So shields are still up, but I am wondering if I am in deep paranoia now.
Remember that con men / pool hustlers used to let you win the first game or two so that you'd continue to play even when you kept losing afterward. This is no different and is playing the long game.

And what about that Wednesday date? Hell, I dunno. If God has a plan for me, I haven't a clue what it is.
That'll be a no-show. Or a tranny.
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Well, my Wednesday "blind date" was a no-show. No fat butts. Actually no butts whatsoever, as there were NO customers in there at all.

Wonder what the heck that was all about? Someone just getting their jollies making someone dance to their string pulling? But I didn't see anyone near by that could have been observing me showing up there.

Anyway, I took a ride down to the St. Marks River boat ramp and sat in the parking lot in the Jeep for a while. I was looking over at the area where Connie and I would often ride our bikes on that St. Marks bike trail This was the southern end of that trail. So we would park our bikes, use the public restroom, then walk out on the pier there to look for crabs and fish in the water. You know how movies will often portray someone who suffered a loss "seeing" that person superimposed over the real world? I experienced that exact same thing. I was a third party watching Connie and myself riding up on our bikes, parking them, and then going to the pier. I knew it wasn't real, but I could see it nonetheless. Was NOT a good feeling at all.

Anyway, Internet Dating 101. Another interesting twist I am seeing people doing in pictures on those dating sites is that they will often include in the picture a daughter or friend that is VERY attractive, seemingly to catch the eye of a guy looking. Maybe hoping he will be blinded enough to click on the LIKE button or something to start a conversation. I see it enough to think it isn't just an accident. Kind of false advertising, in a way. But then again, I have seen a series of pics where you can tell the age range varies at least 20 years from oldest to newest. And then you have the women who will post 1 pic of themself and 9 pics of their cats or dogs. Gee....

So, still nothing on my dating horizon. I have dropped several dating sites because, well, some were kind of "hookup" sites that were so fake it was laughable. Figured I would check them out. I am single, right? That is allowed, isn't it? But it is all fake as a 3 dollar bill. To give you a for instance, on one of them there were literally dozens of attractive women in various stages of undress. Which, knowing this area, is HIGHLY unlikely. We are talking about a county that used to have an annual Swine Parade, and would crown a Queen Swine, every year. I kid you not. Anyway, the interesting thing was that it was around 3:30 am and EVERY one of them was showing as being active and online at that time. Yeah, that is realistic!

Anyway, talking now to a woman that I found on FaceBook who says she is a reformed porn star, which explains the pictures she is using, and wants to drive down from New York to be with me. I only need to send her $200 for gasoline. Unfortunately she must not realize that that porn star ALSO has an active FaceBook account. When I pointed that out to her, well oh yeah, she runs both of them. But somehow with 359,000 followers she doesn't have $200 in her pocket for that gasoline. So I sent a message to the porn star's account and I asked her to reply to it there for me. So this is when she will get angry and accuse me of not trusting her enough. I am SUCH a meanie!!

Anyway, speaking of which, I have started using my Facebook account more frequently. I am thinking these kind of conversations I have been having with my personal life might be better off being there rather than here. So if anyone is interested, I can now be found there. I even have 26 friends now.
i'm sorry your Wed date was a no show.
I never lasted more than 48 hrs on dating sites, they just feel so superficial to me, like a meat market comparing one person to the next, it didn't feel 'real'. Like I don't actually get to know someone as a person or see if there's any real chemistry or connection, it's just do they look good and do their interest check off enough boxes, nope, keep swiping. Sometimes people you don't have a lot in common with can be a good match and those would get passed by. bah maybe i'm just too old.
I hope you have better luck or at least keep up your fun playing the scammers as you seem to enjoy it :)
i'm sorry your Wed date was a no show.
I never lasted more than 48 hrs on dating sites, they just feel so superficial to me, like a meat market comparing one person to the next, it didn't feel 'real'. Like I don't actually get to know someone as a person or see if there's any real chemistry or connection, it's just do they look good and do their interest check off enough boxes, nope, keep swiping. Sometimes people you don't have a lot in common with can be a good match and those would get passed by. bah maybe i'm just too old.
I hope you have better luck or at least keep up your fun playing the scammers as you seem to enjoy it :)
Toying with the scammers is beginning to wear on me. It takes too much time out of my life. It is good for the ego, I guess, pretending beautiful women are interested in me, but sooner or later reality intrudes. Like being a kid and having all kinds of dogs acting like you are their best friend. They are jumping all around you treating you like they are your best friend. Then you remember that pork chop you had stuck into your shirt pocket to save for later and realize THAT is what they are really after. The women are all looking for a walking ATM machine, not me. They could not care less about my life, my wants, my future. They just want money, any way they can get it.

Heck, and I am disappointed by the number of women that appear to be real and in their profiles will claim that they really enjoy traveling and want someone to join them. Well, that seems to fall apart when it comes to me and them being 1 hour or more apart, and that is too much traveling for them. And here I am toying with the idea of flying to the Philippines just to see what things are like out there. And they don't feel it worthwhile for a 2 hour road trip to at least meet and see if there is something worth cultivating. I am retired. I won't mind the trip. Heck, I would LOVE just knowing someone was actually REAL by seeing them in person.

Oh, I joined another dating site a week ago. Something like "ChristianSingles" or something like that. Seemed like it should be something maybe worth looking into. Well, yeah, I did get about a half dozen women act very interested in me. Three living in Nairobi, 2 in Kenya, and 1 in the Philippines. NO ONE located in the USA at all. I have watched a number of YouTube videos from guys who went to the Philippines looking for a woman, and many seem to have had some luck that way. Nearly all of them complained about "western women" saying they could not make a connection with them. Maybe things have changed here in the states too much since I was in the dating game nearly 50 years ago. Maybe women's lib and the independence they have sought has brought pigeons home to roost that changed everything in boy/girl relationships. Maybe there becoming an almost unlimited number and type of sexes has just put too many land mines in place that no one wants to cross that field to the other side any longer. Yeah, like I know what I am talking about.... All I do know is that I never would have expected even getting up to bat to meet someone real would be that tough, much less getting to first base just to see if I wanted to continue trying to round the bases or just go back to the dugout. All I know is that at this rate, it will be an impossibility for me to find someone I would want to live the rest of my life with. I won't live THAT long.
Sometimes people you don't have a lot in common with can be a good match and those would get passed by. bah maybe i'm just too old.
I have been thinking about this. And yes, there is a lot of truth to that. Connie and I were not a perfect match. Not by a long shot. We differed in so many ways that thinking back, I would guess that had we crossed paths on an internet dating site, we never would have considered the other as a possible mate. But somehow it did work. We stayed together for 46 years, so there had to be some glue there somewhere. I guess that this internet dating stuff is just going to be a total bust for me. Just got another rejection from some woman a 2 hour drive away, and even though I specifically said I don't mind that sort of drive, no deal for her. So I am guessing there was something else, or elses, that ruled me out. Now she wasn't any kind of beauty queen, and far from it, but she was decent looking. But still, a no-go.

I remember a long while back while doing a reptile show, in Tampa I believe, that we weren't selling a damn thing. Everything we had out on the tables was looking really good. The amelanistic okeetees were actually looking spectacular, but nothing was moving. I walked out in front of the tables several times to get a look from a potential buyer's perspective and I couldn't see anything wrong. The animals looked like they were practically glowing. If I remember correctly, we sold one corn snake and one leopard gecko that entire weekend. That may very well have been the last Tampa show we ever did. But what I am getting at, I look at my own pics, and although I am likely prejudiced, I don't think I look all that homely. Yeah, I am no Tom Selleck or Richard Gere, but heck I don't think I would scare small children. But obviously the women are seeing something that I can't figure out. I am just not selling. Maybe I need to shave my head and cover myself with tattoos and piercings. It is that awful Tampa reptile show all over again.

Now I do take a lot of stock in what someone looks like, but I try to be realistic. Connie kept herself well before getting sick, so I do have some measure of what a 68 year old woman could look like. So I don't think I am being too far out of line when I am turned completely off by women grossly overweight, completely covered in deep wrinkles, or just having facial features not makes them wearing a mask in public a Godsend. I do read the profiles, but don't put a lot of stock in them. I don't want a smoker, but if someone is an occasional smoker, I would tolerate it and hope she would have incentive to try to quit. But unless someone posts something like "if you voted for Trump you can just kiss my rosy red ass", or "if you don't love cats as much as I do, GET LOST!", I take them with a grain of salt. There are SOME signs that I can't ignore and rule them out because of them.

So I am thinking I am doing something fundamentally wrong. Maybe I shouldn't be saying I am looking for a long term relationship. Maybe that scares women away. Fear of commitment sort of thing. Maybe I should just play it loose and easy and say that I am looking for casual flings, and let it go at that. Maybe that is what I should be doing any way. Maybe I am looking too hard for a "Connie replacement" and that is too transparent to women. Heck, I don't know. And maybe I just shouldn't worry about it. I am what I am. I don't want anyone I would have to change drastically in order to meet her standards. Heck, I just dunno. Never thought this would be THIS difficult to do.
Well I have been suspecting it for quite a while now, but just today I had someone screw up with a cut and paste and actually provided solid evidence that people online in a chat environment, most likely scammers, are using ChatGPT for their replies. Many of the replies just seemed suspicious to me in their repetitiveness and the word structure designed to include many of the keywords from the post they are replying to. This screen capture below was from eHarmony. This woman posted the one I captured then followed up with a repeat but omitted the ChatGPT note at the top.

Oh yeah, and a word to the wise. If someone has in their profile something like their body style being "curvy", ask for a full body photo. A bowling ball can be considered as being "curvy". :rotflmao: Ask me how I know...... Sorry, but Connie was well proportioned and slim, and I got used to 46 years of that. I just am not attracted to fat. A little bit would be OK, but if someone is about as wide as they are tall in the torso, nope, just does not turn my crank.

But this did get me to come to a realization. Heck, I keep in pretty good shape working outdoors on my property as much as I do, even though I am 73, soon to be 74. No one I have seen on the dating sites near my age looks physically capable of being any help to me around my place. The two I have met in person, DEFINITELY not. Connie was always with me helping cleaning up the brush piles I was making and generally being a PARTNER in maintaining our land. Most women I have seen on dating sites close to my age are just NOT going to be able to keep up with that. So yeah, I have another good reason to be looking for a younger woman. It is not like I am Hercules or anything, but damn, it IS going to take a younger woman to keep up with me and be a help to me around here. Not that I intend to work a woman to death, but if my life joins with her life and she joins me here at my home, she is probably going to want to help out with the yard, garden areas, and fruit trees. Not to mention that I am in the process of cutting a new walking trail through my forest using my tractor, and I could use help with that just hauling away some brush and branches I am clearing out of the way. An extra two hands goes a LONG way.

I think I am getting used to Facebook now. In a matter of a few days I went from 2 friends to 78 right at the moment. Many of them people I haven't heard from in ages. And some of them I don't have a clue as to who they are. If someone asks to be my friend, sure, why not? Just about every good looking woman who doesn't have mutual friends but shows up in the suggested friends list tends to reply. Some get downright friendly real fast. There are a couple that I think may even be real. They are definitely not using ChatGPT and their chats seem like what a real normal human being would be like. There is one girl who I am sure she is a scammer, but damn she can sext up a storm online. I might try to keep her around just for the entertainment value. Based on my results with the 2 only DEFINITELY real woman and one quite likely real, I am beginning to think that maybe the fake ones that are *spicy*, and a good dose of imagination on my part might be what I have to settle for for the rest of my life. I sure am no closer to a real relationship than I was when I first decided to try to move on after Connie's death. And quite honestly, these fake profiles and conversations, even knowing they are fake, might have saved my life. Things got REALLY dark a few times. Even fake attention still affects the subconscious.

Baffles me how some of the dating sites will have women even from my own county or town, and NONE of them will reply to an initiated contact from me. I am thinking that nearly all these dating sites will pad the membership with fake profiles just to get other people to pay in order to be able to contact the faked interest these fake profiles will show them. Seems odd that a woman will contact me initially, "liking" me, and then when I contact them back, nothing. Some will even post in their profile that they are tired of all the fakes and scammers, so when I contact them with hands waving and promises that I am real, still nothing as for a reply. Along the same lines, it does baffle me that most of the offered contacts are at least 3 hours away from me. It is like the algorithms know that most people aren't going to be interested in a 3 hour drive type of relationship and they don't want to tip their hand when NONE of the local contacts ever respond. So the whole world just seems fake to me lately. At least in the case of internet dating sites, yes, we ARE living in the matrix.

At least with Facebook I can get much of the same but I don't have to pay anything to have a conversation, even a fake one, with a woman and just HOPE that she turns out to be real. Still, I guess if some attractive woman does show up interested in me, the shock and surprise just might give me my final heart attack anyway, and the searching will have been all for nothing.


  • chatGPT_post_01.JPG
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LOL!! So the lengths some of these scammers will go through to try to prove them trustworthy is absolutely unreal. This one girl has been sending my REALLY revealing photos and videos trying to get me hooked. She claims to live only an hour away yet rebuffs every suggestion that I come to pick her up. She doesn't have a car, of course. But no, she INSIST that she needs to have a driver pick her up and drive her to my place. All I need to do is to send her $200 so she can arrange it. So I recently told her to send me a video showing her face and lips saying my name. Well you can see below what she sent. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


  • Bella Weston video 07.mp4
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So anyway, STILL fending off scammers and every fake you can think of. I still get absolutely gorgeous women sending me friend requests on FaceBook. I am up to 93 friends right now. People would get the impression that I must be some kind of super stud with the number of super attractive women as my friends. I have to say that the quality of the scammers on Facebook is quite a bit better than what I have been seeing on the internet dating sites. I can assume from what I have been seeing that there is no filtering on Facebook for scammers at all.

But I guess push come to shove, having fantasy women acting interested in me is better than no interest at all from women.
So anyway, STILL fending off scammers and every fake you can think of. I still get absolutely gorgeous women sending me friend requests on FaceBook. I am up to 93 friends right now. People would get the impression that I must be some kind of super stud with the number of super attractive women as my friends. I have to say that the quality of the scammers on Facebook is quite a bit better than what I have been seeing on the internet dating sites. I can assume from what I have been seeing that there is no filtering on Facebook for scammers at all.

But I guess push come to shove, having fantasy women acting interested in me is better than no interest at all from women.
lots of scammers catfishing, be careful out there!
Yeah, already run into more than my share of them. I am still plugging away trying to find that maybe 1 percent of accounts that are real people.
Well, I have to say that if there is one good thing I have found about Facebook is that it is likely putting a hurt on the internet dating sites. Why should anyone pay for those dating sites when you will get about the same results just BEING on Facebook without paying a dime? I have jumped from 2 friends to 207 friends in the few short months since I started posting anything on my account. And between yesterday evening and right now, I have 41 NEW friend requests pending. Mostly from attractive women. Probably all fake, of course, but still, this didn't cost me a dime, whereas the dating sites will alert you to lots of contacts, but you have to PAY in order to see them or reply to them. Not so with Facebook. I just "friend" them all, and when contact reaches the point where they ask me for money, then I unfriend and block them. As for the internet dating sites, yes, they will be fake too, but you can't find that out till they grab your money from you to let you find out.

The quality of the scammers on Facebook does seem to be a notch above what the dating sides have running rampant on them. Many of them are using the "invest with the pretty lady to make her happy" types of scams. I was getting along really well with one of them, but when it got down to the wire, she made a stipulation of our continuing our relationship discussion that I need to pay half for a beach home she said she wanted us to live in when we were going to get married. And of course, the way I would need to come up with that money was by investing my savings.... :ROFLMAO:

I have another one trying to coerce me into playing some sort of online game with her that has a nearly 100% chance of my making money off of this game of chance. So I am sure this one will be going bye-bye pretty soon too.

And of course I get maybe 4 or 5 instances of beautiful women who live relatively close by that want to "hook up" with me. I just need to send them gas money or pay for some sort of gift card so she can keep them occupied while she is with me. Some even outright offer sex for money, but of course, there is a prepayment requirement, with PayPal or gift card codes, there too. Oh yeah, I had Sandra Bullock claiming she was madly in love with me too. Until she made the unfortunate mistake of getting her Facebook page closed down before I could get her phone number. And I was SOO hoping to wow my friends when they saw me arm in arm with Sandra.

One dating site I seem to be getting interesting results from is a site called AsianDating.com. A 58 year old woman from China asked me for my WhatsApp number and the next day (Sunday) initiated a video chat. Now this was interesting, because the scammers will come up with all sorts of excuses about why they can't video chat, or else WILL video chat but obviously use an AI app to make a pretend video chat session. This Chinese woman appears to be real. She is even using her Apple phone to translate for her as her English is very poor. She will mimic my hand motions, and does everything a real person would do. And on top of that, she is quite attractive. I can see facial reactions, eye motions, lip expressions, the whole nine yards, and she appears to be quite a bit interested in me. I video chatted with her tonight (Monday) for at least an hour, and she certainly seems genuine.
But China? Even if she is 100% legit and highly interested in me, and I in her, what are the chances that could work out? His and her translators? While watching movies together, do they over closed captions in Chinese?

Sigh..... Good chance that I am destined to live the rest of my life alone....

So nothing has really changed except that I became 74 on July 21, and one year more past my "SELL BY" date.
Well, I am officially FLOODED with friend requests on Facebook. I am getting more of them each day than I can look at and process to weed out obviously bogus ones. There HAS to be at least one real woman in all of them, doesn't there? Some I am chatting with certainly SOUND real.

Interestingly enough I signed up to an AsianDating website and met a woman located in China. We video chatted for over 2 hours. She seems certainly real. If she is faking interest she deserves an Academy Award. One major problem is that she speaks very little English and uses a translator on her phone to converse with me. She is 58, definitely attractive, financially independent, and no real strings attached that I can find. Some of the translations are hilarious though. Like when she told me she weighed 258 lbs and was 162 years old. I could SEE that this was not the case.

But I don't know. What sort of culture shock might there be getting involved in a relationship with someone in China? At the moment, though, this is the only glimmer I have of someone real.
Well damn! I have scored BIG TIME on Facebook! Sandra Bullock has contacted me and apparently is in love with me. She told me all I need to do is to send her a gift card for $50 and she will fly out to be with me forever. Am I a lucky guy, or what?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Maybe a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe this internet dating will be paying off, after all. Been chatting heavily, almost continually, with a woman that seems very promising. We found each other on AsianDating.com. Yeah, I know. But none of the local dating sites were working out for me. I might have a contact reciprocated now and again. Exchange a few "Hi, how are you" messages and never hear from them again. Maybe I should have used "Hello" instead of "Hi". Beats me. It is not like I was choosing only the most attractive of the women on those sites. Many were very acceptable and some even local to me. Nothing. Well, I have had one that became friends with me and we do go out shopping and even went to a movie together. But still, overall the results have been less than stellar.

Anyway, When I signed up on AD I browsed and found a few women of interest, so I initiated contact. And some initiated contact with me. Not sure which way it went with this woman named Pim. We exchanged pleasantries back and forth, and she seemed nice and sincere. 67 years old. Retired teacher. Been divorced for 7 years after 31 years of marriage. The divorce was pretty much mutually decided. No children. Parents are gone. Just a few siblings and nephews and nieces. So no involved family ties that can be a problem with Asian women. Oh yeah. She lives in Thailand. Up in the more rural area provinces. If she lived in one of the major tourist areas of Thailand, yes, I would be leery about this being real.

Of course, anyone can lie about anything, but so far EVERYTHING she has said or claimed seems to be accurate and true. I gave her contact info for WhatsApp and we exchanged Facebook page URLs. For 67 years old, she is very nice looking. Used to teach yoga and still avidly practices it. Main drawback is that she speaks very little English. So we have been using translator apps on our phones. Which has actually been working out pretty well. She says she is making a real effort to become more fluent in English via apps and YouTube videos. Without asking, she initiated a video chat with me, the first of several. So she is DEFINITELY real, and the photos accurate. That woman has a smile that is killer. And her laugh is so easy and spontaneous that it is infectious. This is one happy person. The time zone difference is a problem, but the times that overlap we are in constant contact. I stay up very late and she sometimes stays up very late. Not at all unusual for me to get a chat notice from her saying she couldn't sleep and was thinking about me. Or she would get up out of bed to pee and would check to see if I am online.

So, I dunno.... Yeah, this COULD be yet another woman just after my wallet. But it sure seems authentic. She gets a pension from retiring from her teaching job. Only debt is for her car and some final payments on the house that her and her ex-husband had built many years ago. She does not support her family financially. She seems frugal and does not need money for anything. She is not opposed to relocating to the USA. I think she will go where ever is necessary to be with the man she wants to have in her life. Seems like we are both looking for the same thing. She realizes she is getting old, and does not want to live the rest of her life alone.

Yeah, I had more than my share of women even as young as 20 years old promising me the moon on a platter if I would take care of them. Yeah, right. THAT certainly would not end well.

So. Internet dating? Big "maybe" on this one. Even if this one doesn't work out, I have to admit that the potential is there. Just be prepared to have to dig through a damn large pile of hay to find that needle. Finding someone REAL is the first challenge. Then finding out if she is compatible is the next hurdle. Something that can last a lifetime? Well, I dunno. That takes a while to figure out.

Don't go off platform to communicate.

Don't send money.

Don't believe sob stories.

Don't go off platform to communicate.

Why not? You can block anyone you want on any other platform just as easily as on AD. On AD, you MUST remain a paying customer in order to continue conversations if they continue past your initial subscription plan. Not so with WhatsApp and other messaging apps.
Don't send money.

I am not. I have in the past. My attempt at testing the hypothesis "in order to get a friend, you need to be a friend". But I learned my lesson.

Don't believe sob stories.
I definitely do not. I tell them all, "when you are sitting on my lap, asking for money, then I may give it to you." If someone wants me for a sugar daddy, the daddy part has to be AFTER the sugar part.