Well I have been suspecting it for quite a while now, but just today I had someone screw up with a cut and paste and actually provided solid evidence that people online in a chat environment, most likely scammers, are using ChatGPT for their replies. Many of the replies just seemed suspicious to me in their repetitiveness and the word structure designed to include many of the keywords from the post they are replying to. This screen capture below was from eHarmony. This woman posted the one I captured then followed up with a repeat but omitted the ChatGPT note at the top.
Oh yeah, and a word to the wise. If someone has in their profile something like their body style being "curvy", ask for a full body photo. A bowling ball can be considered as being "curvy".

Ask me how I know...... Sorry, but Connie was well proportioned and slim, and I got used to 46 years of that. I just am not attracted to fat. A little bit would be OK, but if someone is about as wide as they are tall in the torso, nope, just does not turn my crank.
But this did get me to come to a realization. Heck, I keep in pretty good shape working outdoors on my property as much as I do, even though I am 73, soon to be 74. No one I have seen on the dating sites near my age looks physically capable of being any help to me around my place. The two I have met in person, DEFINITELY not. Connie was always with me helping cleaning up the brush piles I was making and generally being a PARTNER in maintaining our land. Most women I have seen on dating sites close to my age are just NOT going to be able to keep up with that. So yeah, I have another good reason to be looking for a younger woman. It is not like I am Hercules or anything, but damn, it IS going to take a younger woman to keep up with me and be a help to me around here. Not that I intend to work a woman to death, but if my life joins with her life and she joins me here at my home, she is probably going to want to help out with the yard, garden areas, and fruit trees. Not to mention that I am in the process of cutting a new walking trail through my forest using my tractor, and I could use help with that just hauling away some brush and branches I am clearing out of the way. An extra two hands goes a LONG way.
I think I am getting used to Facebook now. In a matter of a few days I went from 2 friends to 78 right at the moment. Many of them people I haven't heard from in ages. And some of them I don't have a clue as to who they are. If someone asks to be my friend, sure, why not? Just about every good looking woman who doesn't have mutual friends but shows up in the suggested friends list tends to reply. Some get downright friendly real fast. There are a couple that I think may even be real. They are definitely not using ChatGPT and their chats seem like what a real normal human being would be like. There is one girl who I am sure she is a scammer, but damn she can sext up a storm online. I might try to keep her around just for the entertainment value. Based on my results with the 2 only DEFINITELY real woman and one quite likely real, I am beginning to think that maybe the fake ones that are *spicy*, and a good dose of imagination on my part might be what I have to settle for for the rest of my life. I sure am no closer to a real relationship than I was when I first decided to try to move on after Connie's death. And quite honestly, these fake profiles and conversations, even knowing they are fake, might have saved my life. Things got REALLY dark a few times. Even fake attention still affects the subconscious.
Baffles me how some of the dating sites will have women even from my own county or town, and NONE of them will reply to an initiated contact from me. I am thinking that nearly all these dating sites will pad the membership with fake profiles just to get other people to pay in order to be able to contact the faked interest these fake profiles will show them. Seems odd that a woman will contact me initially, "liking" me, and then when I contact them back, nothing. Some will even post in their profile that they are tired of all the fakes and scammers, so when I contact them with hands waving and promises that I am real, still nothing as for a reply. Along the same lines, it does baffle me that most of the offered contacts are at least 3 hours away from me. It is like the algorithms know that most people aren't going to be interested in a 3 hour drive type of relationship and they don't want to tip their hand when NONE of the local contacts ever respond. So the whole world just seems fake to me lately. At least in the case of internet dating sites, yes, we ARE living in the matrix.
At least with Facebook I can get much of the same but I don't have to pay anything to have a conversation, even a fake one, with a woman and just HOPE that she turns out to be real. Still, I guess if some attractive woman does show up interested in me, the shock and surprise just might give me my final heart attack anyway, and the searching will have been all for nothing.