Fire vs. Sulfur


Resident Demon
Resident Demon
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Hampton Roads, Va
For the past couple years I've heard a lot about these being the same gene, however, I'm starting to notice quite a bit of difference in the combos. Some are really different and some could just be variations in quality. Any opinions? I'm hoping for a few of the Sulfur combos below this year so I can't wait to compare.

Mojave (Fire) Dragonfly

Mojave (Sulfur) Dragonfly (Boom Ball)

Vanilla Cream

Sulfur Cream

Vanilla Cream Mojave

Sulfur Cream Mojave
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I've only worked with the Fire line, but from what I see the are similarities akin to what I see working with Black Pastels & Cinnies.
What I meant by that is both your Fire & Sulfur work in the same way, but there will be differences.

I work with Cinny crosses for the lighter head-fade & I also work with GCR Black pastels for a darker contrast & I get a much more funky pattern. Hopefully someone who has worked with both Fire & Sulfur lines can give you more info.
I agree. I see a mojave vs lesser difference more than just a name difference, like butter vs lesser. I can't wait to see how the disco sulfur varies to the other disco/fire combos. Thanks for the reply!
Same allele.

Obviously similar but it's kinda weird...look at the Mojo Fire DF compared to the Mojo Sulfer those pictures one could assume that the Sulfer is the stronger gene out of the two, but when you look at the Cream combos it looks completely opposite. One could easily assume that the Fire is stronger.

It will take more combos to come out to get a better idea for sure, just interesting.
Personally I have felt Fire is the strongest and Disco is the weakest with this complex from what I've read and been told, so Sulfer will probably be right there in the middle. haha

Sulfer, Fire, Vanilla, Disco are all allelic, not the same gene but all fall on the same locus.
Thanks, good to know others can see it and I'm not totally crazy :) Last time I read up on this topic, the overall majority seemed to believe they were one in the same.
they do similar things but when crossed with other genes produce different offsprings. I had thought they were at the same gene at first just two different people wanted to claim them. The more I looked at the things they do the more I realized they both would be needed to create certain offspring I am looking for. I think you really have to look at all the outcome from each crossed morph and decide what they do with color or patterns to plan which you would use for each project. I think it would really help if there were more pictures out there. Maybe some people on here can post some of theirs.
Yup, I was in this battle a while back about whether I should go fire or sulfur, went sulfur, and now see the added benefit from each.

Anyone hear the results of a sulfur x fire pairing? There was a pairing posted on here last year but I don't think it worked out.
I think they might be different allelic genes, but it's hard to say for a fact with how variable they are.

I produced fires in one clutch last year that looked like they could have come from different pairings.
Might be what's going on here too??

Female fire

Male fire
Nice looking babies Jerry,
What does that female look like now?
They haven't changed too much really.
The male is smokin hot at 700 grams and the female is the same as well, both a touch lighter as fires will do, but she'll never look anything close to that reduced pattern male.

So much variance in the same gene it's incredible, which is why I'm not completely sold on the two being different.