Snail help please

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Resident Demon
Resident Demon
Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
kingsland, GA, US
I have a 55 planted tank with a giant Danio (there were 6 until my daughter, 2, decided to dump all the shrimp pellets in 9 oz can into the tank), an albino bichir, and an albino bristle nose pleco. I do plan on ordering another 6ish giant Danios later this year. I had put in an old wood feature that's been dry for like 2+ years and snails exploded. I only had a few nerite snails before and no other snails. I know I can manually remove them with a leaf of lettuce but I was wondering what fish you would recommend I could add to this community.

I'm leaning towards green spotted puffers because I want to make a brackish tank with them and a dragon goby some time this year. I also have a large pond out front that are fixing up to put in comet goldfish and mosquito fish that I can also throw the snails in. The pond is planted but has dried out many times before we moved here, we're in the process of getting the land. We've kept the pond full so it doesn't dry out and that led to more mosquitos. I figure since we're putting goldfish in the pond any snails I manually remove can go in there to for them to nibble on.

Any recommendations will be taken with appreciation. Will post a pic after I over haul the extra jungle Val that has grown almost into a carpet. I also have a penchant for albinos, obviously.