This is a test. This is ONLY a test.
It will end at midnight EST tonight. I want a full day of stats to look at, please. Then I may be able to figure out where that line is in the road I need to walk with this advertising stuff. Quite honestly, I don't really like this myself, but I have also seen existing sites that were even much worse.
As a FYI, my programmer suggested that I eliminate the ads from paying memberships, but I told him to hold off till I get some base figures under my belt. I want to see what difference such a plan would make by having enough stats to compare. It was also suggested to me to have the ads ONLY displayed to unregistered visitors, since quite honestly, the greater bulk of visitors to any of my sites are unregistered or not logged in. But I need facts and figures to be able to make those kinds of decisions.
What I have here today is not going to remain, of course, because it is just way too overboard and a general pain in the butt to have to wade through to even see the website. The sidebar ads even cover over existing advertising that I have in place, even though they may very well be the major advertising vehicle used by InfoLinks, based on just the variety of ads I see on them. But yeah, they would have to go for obvious reasons.
I also use Google Adsense, and compared to InfoLinks, I like the more unobtrusive nature of them much better. But Google has been deplatforming sites at an outrageous rate, and I can't afford to count on them in the future. It should also be noted that Adsense is a "pay per click" method whereas the InfoLinks method is a "pay per impression" style. So with Adsense I only get paid if someone clicks on the ads, and with InfoLinks I get paid just for people viewing the ads here.
Quite honestly, I would much rather be paid for providing an advertising company the opportunity to have people view their ads, no matter what they are, rather than via the Adsense method of not getting paid unless THEY provide ad content of interest to anyone who might thereby click on their ad. The "pay per impression" method puts the total burden of producing interesting ads on their shoulders if they want the clicks. If their ads are uninteresting, and no one clicks on them, that is their fault, not mine. With the "pay per click" method, well, the reverse is true, as Adsense can pick any old garbage ads it wants, and if no one clicks on them, too bad for me.
Also note that I run my FaunaAds advertising completely different from either one of the above. That charges for ads via a flat rate daily charge, regardless of impressions or click throughs. I guess there are pros and cons for any of the above. But FaunaAds hasn't been drawing in very many advertisers lately, neither, so I have to make plans accordingly along with the drops in paid memberships and sponsorships.
Anyway, sorry about the excessive detail about the WHY of what I am doing. I am trying to burn off the remnants of a migraine headache I got yesterday. If I just sit around thinking about the headache, it seems to just make it feel worse. So having to think to post something is helpful to keep my mind off of the dull thudding going on.
Also, there may be mistakes in my typing above, as the brain ain't firing on all cylinders, so please excuse the mess, if that is the case.