• Posted 12/19/2024.

    I am still waiting on my developer to finish up on the Classifieds Control Panel so I can use it to encourage members into becoming paying members. Google Adsense has become a real burden on the viewing of this site, but honestly it is the ONLY source of income now that keeps it afloat. I tried offering disabling the ads being viewed by paying members, but apparently that is not enough incentive. Quite frankly, Google Adsense has dropped down to where it barely brings in enough daily to match even a single paid member per day. But it still gets the bills paid. But at what cost?

    So even without the classifieds control panel being complete, I believe I am going to have to disable those Google ads completely and likely disable some options here that have been free since going to the new platform. Like classified ad bumping, member name changes, and anything else I can use to encourage this site to be supported by the members instead of the Google Adsense ads.

    But there is risk involved. I will not pay out of pocket for very long during this last ditch experimental effort. If I find that the membership does not want to support this site with memberships, then I cannot support your being able to post your classified ads here for free. No, I am not intending to start charging for your posting ads here. I will just shut the site down and that will be it. I will be done with FaunaClassifieds. I certainly don't need this, and can live the rest of my life just fine without it. If I see that no one else really wants it to survive neither, then so be it. It goes away and you all can just go elsewhere to advertise your animals and merchandise.

    Not sure when this will take place, and I don't intend to give any further warning concerning the disabling of the Google Adsense. Just as there probably won't be any warning if I decide to close down this site. You will just come here and there will be some sort of message that the site is gone, and you have a nice day.

    I have been trying to make a go of this site for a very long time. And quite frankly, I am just tired of trying. I had hoped that enough people would be willing to help me help you all have a free outlet to offer your stuff for sale. But every year I see less and less people coming to this site, much less supporting it financially. That is fine. I tried. I retired the SerpenCo business about 14 years ago, so retiring out of this business completely is not that big if a step for me, nor will it be especially painful to do. When I was in Thailand, I did not check in here for three weeks. I didn't miss it even a little bit. So if you all want it to remain, it will be in your hands. I really don't care either way.

    Some people have indicated that finding the method to contribute is rather difficult. And I have to admit, that it is not all that obvious. So to help, here is a thread to help as a quide. How to become a contributing member of FaunaClassifieds.

    And for the record, I will be shutting down the Google Adsense ads on January 1, 2025.
  • In short, DON'T! Email notices are to ONLY alert you of a reply to your private message or your ad on this site. Replying to the email just wastes your time as it goes NOWHERE, and probably pisses off the person you thought you replied to when they think you just ignored them. So instead of complaining to me about your messages not being replied to from this site via email, please READ that email notice that plainly states what you need to do in order to reply to who you are trying to converse with.

Not bad for a couple of hours work!


Maybe seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.
Staff member
Resident Demon
Feb 3, 2002
Reaction score
Crawfordville, FL
This was thrown together pretty quickly, so there certainly are going to be some rough spots here.  There are things here that I don't have a clue about what they do, so I guess we'll all discover them along the way.

Anyway, Danni is still working on the old system as of 02/04/02, but I figured I'd better put something in place in case he found something insurmountable about putting the site on my server.  In the meantime, let's play with this for a while and see what it can do.

I know there are advertisers that have paid for banner ads, but at this point, I'm just trying to get the door to the site cracked open again.  If Danni does not get the site running, then we'll figure out how to make this one do the job.

Thanks for bearing with us.
Rich...It looks good, but VERY CONFUSING!!! The type in the blue boxes are UNREADABLE!! You've GOT TO have BLACK TYPE so it's EASILY READABLE!!
Jeesus Neil!  Give me a break.  I was up till past 4am last night getting this board up.  Believe it or not, I got this whole thing up and running like you see it now in just under one full day.

So I certainly have not had time to fine tune it. No, I don't like the color scheme either, but that's what I got when I installed it.

I don't know what Danni is doing, but I can't wait any longer. This may wind up being what we have from here on out.  There are a LOT of options in here not only for everyone posting messages, but for me as well to be able to manage this thing.  I can actually offload some of my work by assigning moderators to the different categories.  This board has an incredible number of bells and whistles.

Yes, it's new and yes YOU are going to have to read the options, and even experiment a bit.  I put a section down at the bottom of the page expressly for people to be able to experiment at their heart's content.  Use it.  You don't have to use EVERY option if you don't want to.  But for those that want to, and know how to do it, it's here for their use.

And as always, I certainly had no illusions of satisfying everyone with everything I do, but dammit I'm doing the best I can.

It looks good on my screen !! Thanks Rich!!
Hey Webslave,
I think it looks great!!! I love all the options!!
Once this gets going I think this will be the best site you have had so far. From where it all started to this, it just keeps getting better. Keep up the great work and I look forward to coming on this site even more than before.

Scott Cook
Rich...Keep your shirt on...it looks GREAT!! I'm SURE I'll figure it out in time, but...I just can't read ANYTHING in the little blue boxes, so I CAN'T experiment....if you can....TRY making the boxes YELLOW with BLACK type and NOT "box" letters....just a thought ....Neil
I think everything looks great. I know I couldn't even begin to put anything like this together. Neil, the blue boxes are perfectly clear to me. Maybe you just need to adjust the color on your monitor a bit. Thanks webslave.

Bobby Douglass
Looks good on my screen, too!  There sure are a lot of choices to learn but it should be fun!  I'm going to try putting a URL below.  Hope it works.

My photo albums
I'm sure my problem is because I only have WebTV!! Could somebody out there, at least, tell me WHAT the "blue boxes" say?? I REALLY can't read them....thanks ....Neil
Hey  - Looks GREAT!
I really like the new set up because it's a lot like other boards online - it makes it easier to become familiar with. Plus it's really easy to add lots of *fun* things to it, too!
Glad you're back - Great Job!
Neil, the box on the top right says ("quote"). The first box on the bottom says (Profile), the second on the bottom says (Send Msg), and the third on the bottom says (E-Mail). <img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>
Glad to see everything up and running!  What a great asset this board is for everyone!!  Thanks!!!  <img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>
Keep up the Good work
Apple <img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
I think it looks good. I am adjusting to it. I have had a very hard time accessing your site for over a week and even just now trying to get on was not easy. I went to yahoo, found the links, but they did not go through. I knew I could get here because I did earlier today but it was quite frustrating and I think that my Irish stubborness is the only way I finally got here. I don't know why because I do not speak fluent computereez I just know it was a pain.
Wow, not bad for a day's work!  Looking good.  

I have a suggestion, if I may...you can ignore me if you want.  Is there any way to make color differentiation between posts we've viewed and those we haven't (like the blue/purple scheme on other boards)?

P.S. Don't pull your hair out yet!  I imagine you are already working on this and it is on the four million page list, somewhere.  Thanks for getting the site up and running again!

~~Hurley <img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
There was only room for one thumb up, else I would have definitely added a HUGE "Two thumbs up" for all your hard work. I really like the new look and prefer it over the previous site. Maybe it doesn't work from WebTV, but it looks great on Internet Explorer.... please keep up the great job.

Tom Townsend
Hi Rich

Just got registered!  I sure am glad your back.  There are a lot of options here and it will all seem simpler when we become used to everything.  I think I registered wrong, and if you want me to re-register I will, or I will just post my full name whenever I post.  What ever is best.  Is there somewhere you have posted where we can get info on helping you with this page?

Mike Blackston
Good job in a hectic situation the new site is a little confusing but it works fine.Thanks for all the hard work man.JimLewis