Horned Frog
New member
Hey, ever since my first reptile (ball python) I told myself if I got another snake I would get a GTP because they are so beautiful. 5 years and a few other reptiles later I have now just acquired a chondro. He is absolutely beautiful and I wanted to get other hobbyist's opinions on the animal and his enclosure. Obviously I did weeks of research before choosing an animal and acquiring it. He is CB and did not come with a local. The previous owner told me he is a "designer". Im not sure what I think go this because I didn't come across that term in my research. He is a yearling male and has a great temperament. I let him settle in for 3 days and then fed him. He ate with no hesitation and then I let him digest and handled him for the first time. I am using a 68 qt tub with sphagnum moss and silk plants. I have a thermostat and digital thermometer on the warm side and a digital thermometer/hygrometer on the cool side with all the conditions cycling great. Let me know what you think and I am also curious when I can build him a larger permanent home with some more aesthetic, custom aspects with out the space stressing him out. I actually obtained him from fauna classifieds and had a fairly good experience. On another note I have a breeding project with some very pedigree bearded dragons going on. Expecting hatchlings mid july if your interested!