For Sale multiple snakes for sale

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Sep 5, 2008
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Culver City. California. USA
i am running super short on room and money so i am trying to downsize my collection.

08 female albino mono stripe rosy boa (limburg) $200 or (snake with 15 gallon tank, heat mat, stone hide, water dish, heat lamp and rhetostat $250 obo
07 male arizona chocolate rosy boa $120 obo
07 male imperial pueblan milk snake $90 (a great price for a hybrid snake)
07 male albino Kenyan sand boa $100----SOLD

all great eaters and top shape snakes.
i largely prefer a southern california pick up or meet up.
here are the pics... the milk is much longer now though. the rest are fairly current.
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Albino Kenyan Sand boa

imonne whats up with this albino male? you tryna sell him and ship him? ive watched this male for a while but u dont want to ship......
Limburg Rosy mono-stripe Albino Kenyan and Arizona Chocolate all together with 15 gallon tank heat pad rhetostat hide and water dish all for $350

now GTP 08 still red $400 obo
Albino kenyan male

Imonne how far are you from santee calif? i have a friend there who could attempt to pick up!!! YOU WONT SEND THE SNAKE TO THE EAST COAST WILL YOU????
Chocolate Rosy Boa

I'm looking for a male for my 2 adult female san gabriel mountain rosy's.. would your chocolate male breed with SG's? not sure how all that works....How big is the chocolate. Length, girth etc?
chocolate rosy

I'm sure they would breed but you would be voiding the pure locality in the san gabes. If that does not concern you then it would be fine. My male is an 07. one and a half feet long. and about as thick as a fat mans middle finger.
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