Mock Viper - Psammodynastes pulverulentus


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Reaction score
Franklinton, NC
Hello all,

Looking for some extra advice on some newly hatched babies. Busy year and wasn't paying close enough attention to my Mock Viper pair that I put together at the start of the year. I now have 5 healthy babies. Looking to see if anyone has any good sources for small feeder lizards or frogs. I do not think my Morning gecko Colony will be able to keep up with feeding all 5 snakes so I'm hoping to find some additional sources.

Most feeder lizards that are ordered are to large.

Current inventory:
Moring Geckos - 15 that are small enough
Small Tadpoles - 200 to raise to frogs.
- Works with some snakes, but will attempt some Rosy reds.

Reptilinks scent.

Thank you,


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    Mock Viper_2.jpg
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Hello! Your best bet will be tiny Rosie's or guppies that you can find at a nearby pet store. I work for a zoo facility and keep mock vipers myself. Will you by chance be selling any as well?
Hello! Your best bet will be tiny Rosie's or guppies that you can find at a nearby pet store. I work for a zoo facility and keep mock vipers myself. Will you by chance be selling any as well?

I don't know of many others that keep Mock Vipers as well. How many do you have? All imports? I rarely see any for sale, so am always curious of the number of them in the country. I will probably be selling 2-3 of them next year as long as they stay healthy and eating.

I do plan on attempting Rosie's as it works for my desert night snakes.
If you ever do get rid of any let me know!! Need more here

They are actively eating small morning geckos and frogs as expected. First meal was a success on geckos, one already has had a second meal on a tree frog that was raised from one of the tadpoles. So I should have no issues keeping them healthy. No luck on Rosie's atm, but will keep trying. This is the first pair of snakes I have breed as I have finally had time and space to get into breeding.

If what I have read, which you may know more, they are Sexual dimorphic by color. If this is the case, I have 4 males and 1 female. So I will have an extra male to sell for sure. I plan to confirm myself by sending their sheds off for genetic confirmation. So PM me to exchange more defined contact details.

I plan on keeping 1.1 pair and will be looking for another adult pair. Which will be difficult to find in the US. If you know any importers, let me know!

How is the temperament of your adult? Mine are pricks and don't care to be handled, so to avoid stressing them, I only handle them during maintenance.
The little ones are fantastic! Easy to handle, and calm. I kept them together for the first 2 weeks without issue, but recently separated them to help track the health of each individual.
I just wanted to jump in here as I have a lone male and it's fantastic finally coming across others who own these fascinating snakes.
I'm curious to know if y'all find yours to be more arboreal vs terrestrial? Every source I have read states them as being mostly terrestrial, but my guy spends most of his time up high as compared to on the bottom.
Also as Muraki has experienced, mine is very adverse to handling. I find it interesting that the offspring have such a difference in demeanor as compared to the adults.