Jennifer Curran


Alan Bosch
Feb 16, 2002
Reaction score
Moncks Corner, SC, USA
I need to find this girl. She bounced two checks and a credit card charge to the tune of $925.00, She was last seen in the vicinity of Ft. Bragg, NC and claims some ties and affiliations to the fort personnel. I am not the only one she has screwed. ANY information leading to her would be VERY helpful. THX! <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':angry:'> Alan Bosch, ALan Bosch Reptiles
hmm, this story sounds familiar...I remember reading a long post on the not-so-old BOI about how a woman who's boyfriend was stationed at Ft. Bragg had screwed a couple of people on payment.  Anyone remember more details?  The poster had contacted the boyfriend's commanding officer and it sounds like sh*t was hitting the fan for them, but never heard much more after that...hope someone can give you more direction.

Dan Camara
Yes, I posted about her on the previous BOI.

She stiffed me with a bad check for $1,385.00 at the Richmond Reptile show on November 4th, 2001.  The check was written against a closed bank account in Massachusetts.  She also showed us a military ID card, claiming that she is military, so there was no reason to worry about her check being good or not.  The name on the check is actually Jennifer Heinrich.

I have since filed complaints with the base commander at Ft. Bragg where her husband (Todd John Curran) is stationed.  It is my belief that he is an accomplice in her activities.  Either that or he is dumber than a doorknob to not know what she is up to. So far nothing has come of it.  Follow up letters to the base commander and the Staff Judge Advocate have gone unanswered.  Feels like the military is giving me the brush off about this.  I will escalate this as needed.

I have contacted the FBI and they said jurisdiction is with the sheriff's department in Cumberland Co., NC (910-323-1500).  I contacted them, but they say that this issue is not under their jurisdiction, but instead is under the jurisdiction of law enforcement in Richmond, VA.  I have sent a follow-up email to the FBI asking them to reconsider the facts in this matter.  Jennifer Curran has passed a bad check from a bank based in MA, in Richmond, VA, to a person from Tallahasee, FL, and herself resided in Raeford, NC.  It certainly appears to me that she is engaging in willful criminal activities involving the interstate transport of materials and funds.  That should certainly be a federal matter.  As a matter of fact, she contacted me via email and phone to order animals from me to be brought to the show, so she has clearly engaged in interstate commerce in this circumstance.

I will be contacting law enforcement in Richmond, VA, as well as further followups to the FBI.  I will also be taking this issue to my state representatives in Washington, D.C. as direct evidence of why people have no faith in law enforcement in this country, and ask for their assistance.  And to cover another angle I will be turning this over to a local collection agency in North Carolina, as well as filing suit in civil court against her.  At least the local sheriff's department can serve the papers to her.

She has made no effort to contact me to try to make even the slightest effort to pay back the money she has stolen from me.  I will make every effort possible to see that she spends time behind bars and will name her husband as an accomplice in the warrant as well.  Anyone whom has had a similar circumstance involving Jennifer Curran is encouraged to send me full details so I can assemble a packet of evidence to present to federal and local authorities.

I would strongly suggest that everyone avoid having any dealings with her at all.  Her physical description is an overweight white female about 5'4" tall with several tatoos visible on her arms.  Hair is a dirty blond color.  She is a very good actress, but doubt anything she says to you.

Last known address I have for her is:

2641 O'Glesby Drive
Raeford, NC  28376

(910) 878-1537
(910) 309-5651
(910) 309-5652

email:  [email protected]

Contact info for Ft. Bragg:

XVIII Abn Corps & Ft. Bragg
Armistead & Macomb St.
Fort Bragg, NC.  28310-5000


Office of the Staff Judge Advocate
Department of the Army
Headquarters, XVIII  Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg
Fort Bragg, NC  28307-5000
Attn:  Colonel David L. Hayden

Anyone having any recent contact with her is encouraged to post here to let people know where she is hanging out so they can be warned to steer clear of her.

Rich Z.
Rich, one option that might be open to you is some massive chain-jumping. Since the base commander and other staff agengies are not fulfilling their obligation to ensure that their troops are held accountable to the UCMJ- express your displeasure with the way things are being handled to your Congressman. Be sure to provide copies of all correspondence, as they require tangible evidence.
actually she is not in the there is nothing the military can do.  But there has to be something her local law enforcement can do.  If the Sherrifs don't want to do anything....then try the local police dept.

I remember getting arrested for a bounced check....They call it something along the lines of Fraud or fraudulent check writing or something
Although Jennifer is not in the service, there are two points that make this a military issue:

(1)  She is telling everyone she is as she hands them the fraudulent checks, showing a military ID when asked for identification.

(2)  Her husband (Todd John aka TJ), is active military and MUST know of her illegal activities, and therefore an active accessory of this criminal activity.  Let's face it, if your signficant other came home with thousands of dollars worth of animals, and YOU knew finances were tight, how could you NOT know something is not kosher?  I find it hard to imagine someone that stupid, so the only logical alternative is that he knows and is complicit in this activity.

It would take some severe hair splitting by the military to be able to turn a blind eye towards this.  And quite probably someone will have their head on a platter by not doing something about it when things escalate on up the ladder to someone whom might take a dim view of these sorts of cop outs being done by people under their command.
Well I was wondering the same thing. I did a trade and met with them. SHE IS NOT She wont return my calls or e-mail. But they told me they were from Fayateville N.C. E-mail [email protected] Cell # 910-309-5651. If I can think of anything else that might help I'll let you know. It's like they left the planet <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>
     Tim Robbins
Rich, the one other nice thing about military justice is that even if Todd were so blissfully ignorant of the fact that his wife is nothing more than a dirty thief, he can still be held culpable for her actions. The fraudulant account need not even have his name on it.

By upchanneling this, you will basically be forcing his chain of command to take severe action. A Congressional Inquiry is a career-killer, but it seems like it's time to draw on the "big guns".

I don't think that there's much of a chance of you getting your money back from that heifer. However, while restitution doesn't look like an option, the door is wide open for retribution. <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'> Normally, I'd feel bad about ruining someone's military career, but these pieces of trash don't deserve to have any association with the uniform that others wear/ have worn honorably.
Wait Wait....

We ARE responsible for our dependents actions.
I can't believe I forgot.  So you can let it go up the chain.

Writing a couple bouncy checks is one thing....
but writing fraudulent checks with the intent to defraud and scam etc etc is another.

Okay....let's find this person aka freudulent check writer...heffer...scammer.......etc etc

I am sorry to hear you are still having trouble with this issue.  I thought you had gotten it taken care of, so I never followed up.  I know for a fact that "Deposit account fraud" is a crime in all 50 states.  Also if the check is over $500.00 it becomes a felony.  I encounter this at least once a month as a bail bondsman.  Today, I will inquire as to the steps necessary to have a warrent issued out of state on this individual.  With the warrent issued, the military police will certianly enforce it and deliver this person to the proper authorities.  I will email you and Alan with my findings.
I know this name, Juggs6469, same name she used on AOL IMer in an effort to get my snakes.

I had posted on the old classifieds, wanting to find a 0.1 BCI juvie as a mate to my 1.0 juvie.
She was persistant that she knew others in the area, NC & SC, that would be willing to trade their 0.1 for some of my snakes.
Strange part was, that I had to send her all of my snakes before she would get the trade worked out.
Let me see, 1.1 retics, 2.1 boas 1.1 BPs in trade for ONE, 0.1 BCI.
Sounds fair to me. NOT!
Especially since she wouldn't tell me the names or contact info
on the "friends" that would be doing the trade and she was adamant that it would have to be ALL of my snakes since I don't have any morphs or possible hets etc.

Right off the bat, I knew she was to be suspicious of so I stopped all lines of traffic with her and blocked her from everything, e-mail, IMs etc.

That was back in September-ish of 2001.
She was lurking on the classifieds then and very likely to be lurking there now.
WebSlave, if you can check on the ads, it may be possible to find others that have dealt with her as well.
On March 7th, I was contacted by Jennifer via a phone call.  Quite a surprise, I must confess.  Anyway she said that she wanted to pay me $500 towards the $1,385 she owes me from the bad check she gave me on November 4th at the Richmond show.  I asked her to just go ahead and send me a money order, and I would hope to see it soon.

Well after getting back from the post office today and still no payment from her, I guess I have to chalk it up as another less than truthful statement from her.  But at least it gave me the incentive to contact Detective Rick Reed (804-796-7168) in Virgina about her extradition hearing and put my two cents in.  He wasn't in, but I left the info on his voice mail and hope to hear back from him soon.  It will be my intent to file criminal charges, regardless of the money being paid back or not.  The crime was committed when the bad check was passed, and paying back the money doesn't erase the crime.

If someone breaks into your house and steals something, their giving it back does not nullify the original crime.  I believe the same situation applies in this case as well.

Enjoy the springtime while you can, Jennifer.  Maybe you'll get a jail cell with a view of the outside.
I know for  a fact that the military will slam the husband for her escapades, when I was in the infantry a buddy of mine Conners got article 15 for this twice, his wife miss balanced the checkbook while we were on a 6 week deployment and when we got back he was in some serious crap, they deducted the amount owed from his paycheck from there after till it was payed he was fined and and got to perform extra duty for a month, I dont rember what happened the second time but he was article 15nd again, they will take the matter serioulsy you just got to get ahold of the right people and like someone else try your congressman, our superiors hated congresmen because they were the only ones that righted the wrongs that the military didnt want to deal with and when the congressmen got involved the sh!t hit the fan, als the ID cards you guys speak of were they brown? if so those are civilian military ids, I think there is 3 colors, anyway to my knowledge green are for active military members only, hope this helps Jason
The Guard & Reserves also use green ID cards now. The color scheme is:
Green- Military member
Brown- Dependant
Blue- Retiree
I know the thread is just a bit old but I wanted to ad a few comments.  First of all, I am VERY glad I did not deal with her as she wanted three of my corn snakes and continously promised to send the money via paypal, it never came but I was not really worried about it.

Anyways, I was a former military NCO (paratroopers all the way!&#33<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>. Passing bad checks is a HUGE mistake in the military and I have seen men processed out of the Army for passing bad checks for as little as $300.00, this was after they were busted down in rank and the money taken from their paychecks.  It does not matter if the person in the military writes it a member of that persons family.  The best way to go about getting your money back is not to contact the copmmanding general.  He is a busy guy and does not have time for such matters.  Contact the base Provost Marshall as they are in charge of prosecuting bad check offenders.  I was stationed at Bragg and still have friends there, I can get you a phone number if you need it.

Another option and it would be faster is to find out what unit her husband is in and contact his commanding officer, I guarantee you the crap will hit the fan when you contact his commanding officer and something will get done immediatly!!!

David Culp
I was 10.5 years Army and yes the military member is responsible for the dependants actions. She would have a dependant ID.
Generally in these cases the company commander will come down hard on the individual being charged with a crime.
As someone mentioned, if you want to get a commanders attention, let them be notified that a congressmen is investigating them. Call your congressman and explain your situation. If you can convince him/her to call the company commander you will receive immediate action. I recommend you all do this that have been burned by this ho.
Also, if you are going to file a law suit don't have an individual suit with both the husband and the wife, because if the husband is able to prove he was not an accomplice it will reduce the effect of the charge on the ho(wife).
I would file seperate suits, but a lawyer will give you better advice. Good luck. Craig Sweeney
I just registered on this board and she took me for $400.  Does anyone have any contact info on Jennifer?
Thank you
I finally got to talk to Detective Reed up in Virginia last week and he told me that Jennifer has been apprehended and is out on bail.  He said she is evidently very over weight and in poor health and pregnant as well.  That kept her out of jail.  But she missed the last court date and now has a warrant out to likely bring her in.  Detective Reed seems rather anxious to put her away, and my adding my two cents to the matter certainly helped fuel that fire.  She is certainly accruing some substantial expenses for each court date that is made as well as the costs of extradition that she will have to bear.  I will be certain to tack on the costs associated with my having to collect this debt when I file my complaint against her as well.

He gave me the steps I need to do in order to pile yet another count against her, so I will be doing so at the earliest opportunity.  The phone call she made to me saying she was going to pay me $500 of the $1385 owed was just another lie in the string of ones she has handed me over this.

But I think there is a darned good chance she is going to do time because of this.  Anyone else that was taken for some money by Jennifer Curran is encouraged to call Detective Reed to give him even more incentive to make a special effort to put Jennifer behind bars and out of society.
Rich...I think Jennifer should consider herself VERY LUCKY to have ONLY ripped you off for $1400!! Because, had she come on here and NOT posted her REAL FULL NAME....Man! ...HEAVEN HELP HER!! Right, Tom??? lol ....Neil