If you do happen to buy a .50 BMG, I suggest that you NOT buy the cheapest one you can find. All of the powder in a .50 BMG cartridge makes the round the equivalent of a hand grenade going off. When you shoot the rifle, your FACE is right next to that chamber where the round is being ignited. Personally, I sure wouldn't want to be shooting something that could rip the side of my head off being contained by a gun marketed by a manufacturer who went with the lowest bidder on design, build, and materials.
You will also need to get a scope that has LOTS of eye relief, regardless of the rifle you buy. Otherwise, you will fire your gun once and then quickly put it up for sale, explaining to new prospective buyers why you have a black eye and partially removed eyebrow. You want a MINIMUM of 3 inches of eye relief. A cheap scope on a .50 BMG, even with proper eye relief, will last you about 30 shots before you will have to buy a new one. Heck, even an expensive scope not designed for the push/pull action of a muzzle braked .50 BMG will not last long, neither. The reticle in scopes not designed for this gun and cartridge will eventually break loose internally, and you will be suddenly be wondering why you can't shoot a decent group to save your butt.
Please make sure you know what you are getting into with these guys.... .50 BMG rifles can be a lot of fun to shoot, but they definitely aren't for everyone.
Good luck on your search!