I just got 1.1 kenyan sand boas HELP


Registered User
Oct 12, 2003
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Hello I just received these little guys 2 days ago and they are pretty but they are almost lethargic. Is this normal in this species? Thanks.
1.1 Kenyan sand boas

Matt, let's first establish their size, age, overall health, and the conditions they were kept in before you aquired them. I have yearling 2.2 anery KSB's and I keep them on aspen shavings. They have a daytime high up to 100 degrees in the hot spot and cool down into the upper 70's at night. I feed them an appropriate sized mouse fuzzy once a week. Mine are growing like weeds and I always have to root aroung in the aspen to find them. Sometimes they scoot pretty quick and sometimes they just lay there and let me pick them up. I feed at night because I take them out of the aspen and place one snake and one fuzzy in a small rubbermaid tub. This way they don't feel so exposed and eat without any problems.

Lethargic herps usually are either suffering from hypothermia (to cool temps) or may have some sort of internal parasite(s). If you are not comfortable that your new herps are in tip top shape, then a trip to a herp vet is in order. Hope this helps, David
Well I must say since my last post these guys have blossemed.. They eat great and are actually very active...I like seeing them little heads pop out when they get hungrey or its almost lights out...Thanks for the info David...
Sounds terrific Matt.
I would love to have gotten those buggers, but I am spaceless. It seems I may be aquirring some het balls soon too. So that ties up the space I have just gained.