Martin Nowak
Active member
Alabama has prohibited the keeping of non-native venomous reptiles since 2020. The reason given is: “… human health and safety concerns related to potential impacts of nonnative animals in Alabama, effective October 15, 2020, …”.
Native venomous reptiles are allowed to be kept by anyone. Venomous reptile keeping is generally by two groups: certain religious adherents and of course reptile keepers.
I have commented several times in this Forum concerning Alabama’s position on captive maintenance and breeding of venomous reptiles. The regulation is without factual foundation and based on sensational statements and erroneous beliefs. The Alabama Hospital Association is against keeping of venomous reptiles indicating the high cost of treatment. This association of course avoids all other animal-human injury and death - focusing only on snakes.
As noted in my March 11, 2024, FC post titled “Circumstances of Snakebite Envenomation”, virtually all – note virtually all – venomous snakebites occur to non-reptile keepers while conducting routine outdoor activity or conducting stupid activity when finding a venomous snake.
To the point of this post, sadly yet another human being was killed by dogs in Alabama on July 11, 2024. Several children have been killed by dogs in Alabama in in the first six months of 2024. No humans and no children have been killed by snakes in recent years.
In contrast again, no person has been killed by a venomous snake / reptile in Alabama in many years. More humans and children have been killed in Alabama by dogs in 7 months to date than in the prior 20 years by snakes.
In addition, multiple humans have been killed by domestic animals (cattle and horses), bees, and driving accidents hitting deer. Deer are native, but cattle, horses, and honey bees are non-native. This again represents the oxymoronic approach to limiting reptile keepers from enjoying their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Non-fatal dog attacks on humans in Alabama in 2024 (this an example, many more are available).
Closely related are the national data on venomous snakebite which I provided in FC Forum June 25, 2023, titled “Snakebite Deaths from Non-Native Venomous Snakes 2013 – 2022”.
These data are from the university consortium North American Snakebite Registry. The report has not been updated since 2022. However, it remains that during the 10-year report period, only 19 non-native venomous bites were treated in the U.S. and there were zero (0) fatalities. Considering the number of venomous reptiles in captivity, 19 is a like a “rounding error” in accounting or the term “non-material” to the numbers.
The reptile industry continues to be under great pressure and regulatory assault which is considerably out of proportion to other human injury and deaths by non-reptile fauna. Reptile keepers need to be aware of facts, spurious comparisons, and totally false statements to counter and defend the hobby. It is important to be able to counter anti-snake assertions with science and citations.
Native venomous reptiles are allowed to be kept by anyone. Venomous reptile keeping is generally by two groups: certain religious adherents and of course reptile keepers.
I have commented several times in this Forum concerning Alabama’s position on captive maintenance and breeding of venomous reptiles. The regulation is without factual foundation and based on sensational statements and erroneous beliefs. The Alabama Hospital Association is against keeping of venomous reptiles indicating the high cost of treatment. This association of course avoids all other animal-human injury and death - focusing only on snakes.
As noted in my March 11, 2024, FC post titled “Circumstances of Snakebite Envenomation”, virtually all – note virtually all – venomous snakebites occur to non-reptile keepers while conducting routine outdoor activity or conducting stupid activity when finding a venomous snake.
To the point of this post, sadly yet another human being was killed by dogs in Alabama on July 11, 2024. Several children have been killed by dogs in Alabama in in the first six months of 2024. No humans and no children have been killed by snakes in recent years.
In contrast again, no person has been killed by a venomous snake / reptile in Alabama in many years. More humans and children have been killed in Alabama by dogs in 7 months to date than in the prior 20 years by snakes.
In addition, multiple humans have been killed by domestic animals (cattle and horses), bees, and driving accidents hitting deer. Deer are native, but cattle, horses, and honey bees are non-native. This again represents the oxymoronic approach to limiting reptile keepers from enjoying their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Non-fatal dog attacks on humans in Alabama in 2024 (this an example, many more are available).
Closely related are the national data on venomous snakebite which I provided in FC Forum June 25, 2023, titled “Snakebite Deaths from Non-Native Venomous Snakes 2013 – 2022”.
These data are from the university consortium North American Snakebite Registry. The report has not been updated since 2022. However, it remains that during the 10-year report period, only 19 non-native venomous bites were treated in the U.S. and there were zero (0) fatalities. Considering the number of venomous reptiles in captivity, 19 is a like a “rounding error” in accounting or the term “non-material” to the numbers.
The reptile industry continues to be under great pressure and regulatory assault which is considerably out of proportion to other human injury and deaths by non-reptile fauna. Reptile keepers need to be aware of facts, spurious comparisons, and totally false statements to counter and defend the hobby. It is important to be able to counter anti-snake assertions with science and citations.