Fennec Fox Lover
My name is Tiarra (Tia for short, please). I live in Florida. I have always loved the Sugar Gliders. The first time seeing one was on TV on Animal Planet, watching Steve Irwin save one from this wire or something.
I was looking at Sugar Gliders when I came across Fennec Foxes on a breeder's website. They sparked my interest so I decided to look into them.
Many on another forum don't really approve of me wanting a Fennec, though I know in my end its my choice. They believe a wild animal should be left in the wild, etc. BUT, this is really what I want.
I just don't know how many would act when in public and they see me with one. I don't have any vet's near me that I don't think would like the idea to much either. There is this one vet though that works with Sugar Gliders. So I may ask contact her one day.
So can anyone tell me about Fennec's? What are they like personally? I know a animal is never truly tamed, but has anyone ever had any close calls with them before? Like them biting you or something? I just want to know how social and devoted to their human(s) are they?
I have a Oscar and a gold wish and a dog. Vickki lives with my grandmother while I live in a apartment. She's a Rottweiler that is 6yrs old and 6 months.
I'm a student, I just earned my GED and plan on going to school for two different degrees or certificates. One program will take 10 months.
Ask any questions you want, just not to personal please.
I was looking at Sugar Gliders when I came across Fennec Foxes on a breeder's website. They sparked my interest so I decided to look into them.
Many on another forum don't really approve of me wanting a Fennec, though I know in my end its my choice. They believe a wild animal should be left in the wild, etc. BUT, this is really what I want.
I just don't know how many would act when in public and they see me with one. I don't have any vet's near me that I don't think would like the idea to much either. There is this one vet though that works with Sugar Gliders. So I may ask contact her one day.
So can anyone tell me about Fennec's? What are they like personally? I know a animal is never truly tamed, but has anyone ever had any close calls with them before? Like them biting you or something? I just want to know how social and devoted to their human(s) are they?
I have a Oscar and a gold wish and a dog. Vickki lives with my grandmother while I live in a apartment. She's a Rottweiler that is 6yrs old and 6 months.
I'm a student, I just earned my GED and plan on going to school for two different degrees or certificates. One program will take 10 months.
Ask any questions you want, just not to personal please.