We also live in Ga.. You are not allowed to transport illegal animals thru Ga.. I have had a few run-ins with the DNR here,,and let me say,," every single one that i have met are complete idiots"...and believe me,,we have met quite a few.. We actually very recently had an encounter with DNR at our home,,and the first officer that showed up was not clear on animals,,so he called in one of their ""experts"".. We had a tub with baby sulcatta torts in it,,,and their idiot "expert" swore up one side and down the other that those were baby gopher torts... I mean literally,,swore they were gophers..
He did however, know his rattlers...However,,he didnt even know the law on rattlers.. The DNR "no-no" list states that Crotalus are legal..Then the next page states ""only native venomous"" may be kept,,and then the very next page states ""absolutely NO PIT VIPERS""..
Another thing that makes it so bad,,they run up in your home like they were the DEA,,and you were known to have 50 kilos of coke in your house...
But you can bet your ass on one thing... if you have a cobra or gaboon,,,they will take your butt to jail in a heartbeat...
As far as the corns go,,i dont think they would say anything...Hell,,,most of them dont even know the difference.. We actually convinced this ""expert"" that a normal corn was actually a emoryi rat....How funny is that.. He knew it was a corn,,and still didnt take it..
I think the laws in Ga. are quite stupid,,as do most other people..
Rich,,,i would not worry about the corn issue...If youhave a Florida drivers license,,and a Florida reptile license,,,i dont think they would hassle you very much..