DBM Reptiles
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  • Gave it some thought.
    I'll trade the female clown for the pied.
    Let me know.
    If you don't want to do it she's going elsewhere.
    Sorry Martin.
    I already have pieds. Currently right now im just looking for cash transactions for the calicos.
    Hey Martin,
    I still have clown females. I had put one up for $850 over Thanksgiving just to generate some cash. It's a tough market right now!! I pulled the ad rather quickly so not to get accused and crucified for undercutting the market. You know how it can be here on fauna.
    If you're interested in one get in touch with me ASAP as I might have a buyer for them.
    Thanks, Scott
    hows the bee doing?? Just wanted to check up on things. The female pin is doing well. We named her scotch lol Just wanted to see how everything was going with you guys!
    tried calling you back your dad said you could not come to the
    phone. lost connection
    ask scott if he can hold pin till tues the latest. going to talk to swan tomorrow.
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