
Just treading water.......
Staff member
Resident Demon
Feb 3, 2002
Reaction score
Crawfordville, FL
How do you prepare for such a possibility as a possible nuclear war? Those of you old enough may remember being in school and having drills where you were marched out into the hallway and hunkered down against the wall. Or even crawling under your desk to hunker down. Like that would have helped...

Yeah, I know they are just posturing and blustering, but all it takes is one bad mistake, or the blustering to go too far, when tensions are running high and all the marbles could be taken away from everyone.

With the new hypersonic missiles at play, they travel so fast that the decision to launch a counteroffensive based on a possible launch from the "other side" would have to be made in scant minutes. "Use them NOW or lose them" comes into play and the pressure to make the RIGHT decision immediately would be immense. The wrong decision means GAME OVER. The time frame window from possible detection of launch to get all the info needed to the person in charge of ordering a defensive launch is WAY too narrow to be comfortable about. Which means OUR first sign that armageddon is upon us would be a sudden flash of light and you are wondering what that was, or are dead.

I guess the curse "may you live in interesting times" is upon us. But wasn't COVID enough of a curse? We HAVE to have potential nuclear war now too? :face_palm_02:
I still recall the basement room of the house we lived in for some years, and how my parents called it the 'bomb shelter'. It contained the chest freezer and a five gallon tub of peanut butter, and that was deemed enough preparation.

When I was very young just the fact that we had something called a bomb shelter in our home gave me comfort in the rare times I thought of a bomb.

Perhaps my parents were wise, 5 gallons of pb was a frugal outlay bringing reassurance to us kids, and I suppose my parents were thinking that even then no one would survive so more prep would just be a waste of $.
Quite honestly, if the idiots in charge do start launching nuclear weapons, I hope the first one lands right on my head. There won't be much of a world left to bother struggling to survive in afterwards.

Speaking of which, when are tax returns for 2021 due? I'm thinking I will hold off doing my taxes to the very last minute. No sense going through the headache of that crap if the world winds up getting cremated beforehand.

Besides, they lost the one I sent in last year, and so far we haven't gotten any return receipt nor acknowledgement for the copy we sent in that they requested. So they probably lost that one too. :face_palm_02:

Has the entire world been reduced to third world countries now? Maybe even fourth world? I know they say that to make an omelette (new world order) you need to break some eggs, but damn, it sure seems like an ugly process when you are one of the eggs.