What is normal weight gain for a KSB?


New member
Oct 15, 2016
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Hi all,

Reposting because I originally put this in the wrong place.

I would appreciate your knowledge about growing kenyan sand boas.

I have a 2016 25% Dodoma male who is a picky eater. When I first got him at the March 2017 Tinley show he was eating f/t p fuzzies well every 7 days, maybe skipping an occasional meal. However a few months ago he started getting more and more picky and for the last month he has refused everything except live mouse fuzzies.

I offer him the live prey every other week and in between frequently offer him f/t p fuzz, fuzzies, or very small hoppers. Sometimes he will strike but then drop it. I have also left him alone in his bin with the mouse for awhile, nothing. Last night I left him in a large deli cup overnight with the prey, nothing. (I placed the deli cup in a rack slot so he would stay warm). I have not yet tried offering him a f/t immediately after the live, as I feel a single fuzzy is a good size for him. I will try this as soon as my pet store has some mouse pinks.

I am wondering what is appropriate weight gain for baby sand boas? He has only gained 2 grams (44g to 46g) in the past month on this every other week feeding schedule. My thought is if he is growing appropriately eating every other week, then I will continue what I am doing and eventually he will start on f/t again.

Any thoughts?
