Too Late to Start Pairing?


Animal Enthusiast
Resident Demon
Jan 17, 2012
Reaction score
Wentworth, NH, USA
I have a question for all you experienced breeders. I have a large female I purchased last season. She had many locks, with both my male and the previous owners, however she never produced. Unfortunately our large male passed so she has not been breed yet this season. We have a male mojave that my husband really wanted to put with her, but I told my husband "not this year" because he is still too small. From what I have read, around 800g is the preferred weight to start breeding males, with 500g being the minimum. Is this correct?

Well, now that the season is nearing to the end, he has finally passed 500g. Although I am not hopeful that he would breed, I am at least more comfortable allowing him to try. Even now though, I am scared to put him with my 2000g+ female.

My question is, is it even worth it at this point? I know that there are a few breeders who go year round but I have no experience at all, so I don't know what the circumstances are. Also, I have not put them through any temperature or photo-period changes, so they probably don't even know that it is breeding time.

So, thoughts? :shrug01:

My opinion, go for it. You have nothing to lose, weight in males in not a sure fire way to say they breed. I had males last year lock up and nothing came out of it, if there is no sperm, it doesn't matter how many locks there are. Just make sure to watch them for a bit after you put him in there and make sure the female isn't aggressive toward him. Otherwise, I see no reason not to pair them together
Give it a shot. He should be fine at 500g just keep an eye on him and don't work him too hard or let him get skinny. Plenty of people breed year round and a lot of people don't cool or change the lighting and they do just fine. Mine weren't cooled much this year and are still breeding fine and some are gravid already.
Alright. Thanks for the reassurance. I will defiantly keep an eye on them in the beginning. She could kill him if she wanted and that would break my heart. Maybe I'll get lucky.
i am with ms. susan...we here breed year around,b.p's will breed when they want and ready.if a female is still accepting the male..more power to ya sister.good luck
Thank you for the replies. I am going to put them together tomorrow night and see how the introduction goes. With some luck, maybe I'll have some babies this summer. If not, well at least my boy got some experience, right?
We have numerous females that are either just getting started pairing or will soon.
This male locked for us last night for the 2nd time this month.

475 gram Ivory male X 2500 gram normal female.

Females killing males??
Never heard of it but I understand the fear, the size difference is crazy :rofl:
I have a lot of pairings as we speak with lock ups. I have a 500 gram male with a 2000 gram female and have witnessed 4 lock ups.
I agree with everyone else. As long as the female accepts him it's never too late to try. I myself have a pair I just put in together to see if I can get them to lock. Good luck!