Table of Paid Membership Levels

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Just treading water.......
Staff member
Resident Demon
Feb 3, 2002
Reaction score
Crawfordville, FL
_Visitor/Guest/Not logged inRegistered memberParticipantContributorBenefactorEndowment
Yearly Contributionnonenone**CANCELLED**$25.00$100.00$250.00
Verified member via membership payment__XXXX
Can view threads on BOI______
Can POST threads and replies on the BOI______
Can view, post threads and replies in ALL other non-restricted forums_XXXXX
Ability to post *FREE* ads and replies in classifieds sections_XXXXX
# of highlighted/bumped ads per month00330150400
Ability to use custom colors in ad highlighting____XX
Ability to give positive karma points__XXXX
Ability to give negative karma points___XXX
Can display signature area_XXXXX
Avatar size limit in pixels__50x50160x160160x160160x160
Avatar size limit in kbytes__20404040
Profile picture size in pixels__100x100160x160160x160160x160
Profile picture size in kbytes__20404040
# of allowed stored private messages_100_300400600
Upload attachment (photos) limit in forums in kilobytes_unlimited5000unlimitedunlimitedunlimited
Upload photos limit in photo gallery in kilobytes_1002507502000unlimited
Can post, edit, and delete public calendar events_XXXXX
Can vote on polls in the BOI Good Guy Certification Forum & provide Traders Ratings feedback______
Can be accepted as a "Certified Good Guy" in the BOI Good Guy Certification Forum ______
Registered user name changes permitted___XXX
Can view members name who left karma point comments___XXX
Can view other member's info___XXX
Can create custom member titles___XXX
Can edit own posts in discussion forums___XXX
Ability to view IP addresses in Currently Active Users display_____X
Ability to move and open/close their own threads in discussion forums_____X

Something that does need to be brought to everyone's attention about these paid membership programs. These are not "get out of jail for free" cards. Paying members are still subject to the rules of this site and are subject to suspensions when warranted. Just because you PAY for a yearly membership does not mean that you are immune to suspensions while you are a paid member. I do doubt this will become an issue, but I feel that it is best to make this clear up front.
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I've had several people ask me how they go about paying for these paid membership plans, so I figure this would be the place to post that information.

The easiest method is to use the internal function of this site to handle the transaction. You can get to the proper page by using the User CP link in the menu bar line right above the thread listing (light breen background, white text). Clicking on that link will present you with a page showing a list to the left of the screen with a number of further links. The one you want is the one that says Paid Subscriptions.

Or alternatively, just click on this link here:

If you would like a step by step description of how to do this process, please see this thread ->

I hope this helps sufficiently to get people oriented in this new program.

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