

New member
Feb 14, 2004
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As many of you are aware, this site offers a free spell check. My question is, WHY THE HECK DON'T PEOPLE USE IT? It makes the postings much easier to read and understand, and pleasant at times.
well, I have dial up and it takes so long to load and most of the time it takes so much time that it times out and can't be used. (This is what I get on dial up: An error occured, please notify your administrator.) After waiting a minute or so to get it.

I can spell just fine, I just can't type well at all and I don't have the best vision in the world so I figure people can live with typos here and there.
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I understand your frustration Rattlesnake. It's very aggravating to read posts where the spelling errors are so bad they make your head hurt. Some people make honest mistakes in their spelling. Others just don't care or even try to spell the words correctly.
This is a peeve of mine also.
I'm on dial-up and the spell check works just fine for me--provided that I turn off the pop-up blocker! Additionally I have a college level dictionary at my right hand and do look words up for proper spelling and meaning. A bit OC, but it makes me feel better.

Another aspect to written communication that is increasingly common but irritates me all to heck is chat speak and posts saturated with chat speak acronyms.

I was reading an article recently where the level of apparent and actual literacy between US and certain non-US students and young adults was compared. The quality of US literacy and education is deteriorating to the point that US highschoolers are losing the competitive edge internationally in critical areas like engineering and other sciences. Scary implications.

Personally I take great pride in being able to communicate well both verbally and in writing. I do judge intelligence and the effectiveness of others by these skills. Unfortunately I am punctuation challenged.
For those with dial up, try IESpell for Internet Explorer and Spellbound for Firefox. Both run on your computer rather than from the web and thus require no additional bandwidth.
Wot rong wit chat spek? U can undrstnd me jst fne, gro up, Y R U so mean?
Junkyard said:
Wot rong wit chat spek? U can undrstnd me jst fne, gro up, Y R U so mean?


The part that gets me is no capitalization or punctuation. Especially in a full page run-on sentence.
I can deal with a typo or 2...goodness knows I typo enough (I forget to use the spell checker most of the time, I'll admit), but a couple typos is WAAYYYYY different than a whole string of butchered words. And as Bill said, lack of punctuation, and a paragraph that keeps going and going when it should be about 5 separate paragraphs. And yep, as Michael said too, the whole "chat speak" thing drives me crazier than just about anything else.

My daughter would leave me notes using "chat speak"....like "Wat ru doin can u plz PMU from Brits 2day when ppl r done"?

She stopped doing so when I wouldn't acknowledge them written that way.

Or people who cannot spell the particular kind of animal they are selling ("BERMESE" has been noted here many times before).....I could go on and on.....but at least I would punctuate. ;)
i fully admit that i don't use capitals because mainly it's out of pure laziness. however, i do have a thing about proper spelling. in my line of work it is especially important to spell words correctly and be able to use them correctly. it disgusts me when i see techs spelling words wrong that they should know well. a good example of this was a shepard presented for a bloody nose. the proper term is epistaxsis. she put down that the dog presented for epilepsy!!!! i had a fit because if the doctor on call would have seen this and then gone into the room thinking this dog had seizures, the person would have thought they were nuts. what upsets me is that this tech continues to misspell words and not use them correctly and is still allowed to write on records. i don't know about you, but i would not feel comfortable at any medical facility where staff could not spell or use medical terms correctly.
I think that typos and a total inability to communicate, spell and get a thought across are totally different things. I mean Im sure that if if type heav instead of have that most people can figure out that its a typo.

The one long run on style drives me batty, even if there is nothing typed wrong, if there are 4 or 5 different thoughts that should be different paragraphs and its all run into one, it drives me nuts.

Jessica, I would complain LOUDLY about that, that is not a spelling or typo error but misuse of words that can cause harm to the animals if they are treated for the wrong condition.
I realize that this is not always the case, but if the person cannot spell then I typically shy away from dealing with them. If you're too lazy to punctuate properly, if you have not grasped the easy concept of two, to, or too, then do I really believe you have ability to grasp husbandry/breeding properly?

Before some of you jump down my throat, I do realize there are exceptions to the rule. In those circumstances, I try to get to know the person first. But, if it's simply a random ad that would make an English teacher cringe then I won't even respond. For that matter, when I am selling something I won't respond to inquiries as I just highly doubt my animals will receive as good of care as I would want them to have.

Perhaps it's not always the right thing to do, but I agree with you Griz. I do the same thing.
LMAO, yeah, there's a REASON they aren't bragging about their "itelejents".
wendy i have complained on numerous occassions and have shown the administrator the errors she has done. she has been told to be more careful on what she writes on records. she wants to be able to use the technical terms, just doesn't now how to spell or use them correctly. i have told her that there is nothing wrong with putting down what the client said on the record. after all, that's why they are here. i'm not saying she's dumb because she does know what she's doing. i just wish she didn't have to write. :rolleyes: