Moderator (s) needed - apply within, please.

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I spoke with Dave (DAND) on the phone today. He asked me to post that he accepts his nomination to be a moderator, and that he will be back in 9 days.
I think Chuck deserves his own special usergroup. How about we Angel him rather than Mod him?

Perhaps a fund to go to a herp vet student in his name?

This is the first I'd heard, my heart breaks.
Thank you for your nomination, Deborah! I'd love to accept the nomination.

I nominate DAND (David Grunning)
and Mooing Tricycle (Alicia Holmes)
I would like to nominate Chuck aka Critical Bill Posthumously.

He LIVED for the BOI

Holy :censored:
Talk about getting smacked in the face reading a thread. :eek:
I had no idea.
Now I need to go read the other thread. :(
I would third Shadera's idea.


And, I would nominate Gary O as well...he has experience with Mod'ing; he's tactful, respectful, and respected in the community.
I think Chuck deserves his own special usergroup. How about we Angel him rather than Mod him?

Perhaps a fund to go to a herp vet student in his name?

This is the first I'd heard, my heart breaks.

Great idea!

*for setting up a fund for Herp Vet Students..that's a good way to remember Chuck and the love he had for animals/ plus educate/alert people to the presence of the BOI. Rich could travel and present the award to a deserving student at the college to be voted on (we could vote based on grades etc) so that the donation remains completely non-biased........

.....just taking the idea and running with it. It's an absolutely great idea!:thumbsup:
There you are!!

Laura Fopiano aka LoLo
Sammy Greg aka Shrap
Nicholas Hrabowski aka Polasian
Dean Stemple aka Strictly Exotics
JordanAnge420 aka aka Mia Goldworm

This is harder than I thought it would be...
thank you Debra, I would be honored to serve. It took the loss of my friend to make me realize that there's no place like home.
I see I have two people that nominated me. Thanks means a lot to me. If Rich and everyone would have me I would be honored to help.
I think Dean (strictlyexotics) as well as WiseReptiles would also be a great mods as well!!
I agree with Laura Fopiano as well. She's honest, level headed, and has experience as a Mod here at fauna already. :)

Several members that would make a good mod around here. Hard to pick just one. LOL
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