Leo Genetics


New member
Jan 8, 2005
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Stillwater, OK
Hello. I recently acquired two male (I'm pretty sure) leopard geckos and I want to learn about the genetics of leopard geckos. Is there a good website or book for this? I got the Leopard Gecko Manual, but it doesn't really discuss genetics.
The people I got the geckos from thought they had a male and female, and the female was "attacking" the male so they seperated them, but they both look male to me, and will a female ever attack? Will a male attack a female? Just wondering. Thanks for your help.

Yes a female may attack a male though I think it is more then likely you have two males. I have some females who are aggressive with each other and with their mates. Taffy used to beat the crap out of any male I put her in with. I have another female that needs to be housed alone because she is a big bully to the other females and is always nipping at them to chase them out of prime sleeping areas....Are they both doing the rattlesnake tail rattles?
There are pages in the leo manual that have pics on how to figure out the sexes, tail wagging alone is not a safe bet on checking sexes. One of the best and easiest genetics explainations is on Garrick Demeyers site, http://www.crestedgecko.com
If you can, post pics on here of their undersides!
Even after I did that one time, I was still unsure with a "female" Blizzard I had bought. It wasn't until I caught HIM in the act with a female I had put him in with. Even pictures of the underside has us all wondering. Some can be very difficult to sex. I've only ever had the males do the rattlesnake shake/quick vibration with their tail. But this Blizzard never did that.
Good luck!
I haven't had them together, so I'm not sure about the tail rattling. To me, their undersides both look male but I'm a beginner. I took some pictures but being computer illiterate, can't seem to get them on here. Is there something I should know about loading pictures? Thanks again.
sexing leos

Occasionally, it is difficult to correctly sex Leos, but usually if it is male it's pretty obvious. It seems like some females look a little 'puffy' down there, and those are the ones that tend to make a big question mark in my head. Here is a link that shows a great comparison between Leopard Gecko gender:
And here is a link that is pretty good about explaining genetics:
I like the 2nd link you put up there Marcia... Thats a great little page. Bad colors on the eyes but the information that I looked at was pretty good and seemed to be easy enough for even a person that skipped Biology class to understand. How on earth did you find that page??

How on earth did you find that page??
I found it a few years ago through KS Canada when I was researching genetics. I always bookmark information like that in My Favorites on my browser.