Help with leo genetics!


New member
Feb 6, 2008
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I have some idea what comes out of these compinations, but just to make sure I thought I would ask you guys. So, what kind of babyes would come out of these combinations (if you know just one, that helps too):

1.Cremesicle (super hypo X hypo/ super hypo Co-dominant snow) x hypo co-dominant snow
2. Cremesicle x reversed striped raptor
3. Cremesicle x tremper balzing blizzard
4. Cremesicle x patternless red stripe het aptor
5. Cremesicle x aptor het raptor
6. Cremesicle x co-dominant snow
7. Tangerine hybino (hypo tangerine x tremper albino) x normal

Most importent ones are 1, 2, 3 and 7...but it would be really nice to know all 7 for sure.
Thank you very very very much for your help!

I've never heard of creamsickle applied to leopard geckos before, only crested geckos. But anyways, here's a stab at the genetics. Keep in mind that the line bred traits (ie. super hypo, hypo) will always have a high degree of variability in offspring since they're not directly heritable (like the recessive and co-dom genes).

You didn't specify if the creamsickle is actually a snow itself, but I'm going to assume it is for the following combos.

1. 25% super snow (I doubt any of the hypo traits will be expressed, but you never know)
50% hypo/superhypo snows
25% hypos/superhypos

2. All of these babies will be 100% het for RAPTOR.
50% will be hypo/superhypo/jungle snows het for RAPTOR
50% will be 'normal' superhypos/jungles het for RAPTOR

3. These babies will probably look the least impressive of the creamsickle combinations, mainly because most blazing blizzard hets look relatively normal.
50% will be snows 100% het blazing blizzard
50% will be normals/hypos 100% het blazing blizzard

4. Same as with the RAPTOR cross except without the het for red-eyes.

5. 50% hypo/superhypo snows 100% het APTOR 50% het RAPTOR
50% hypo/superhypo 'normals' 100% het APTOR 50% het RAPTOR

6. 25% super snows
50% normal/hypo/superhypo snows depending on the female
25% normal/hypo/superhypo babies

7. You'll get 100% hets for Tremper Albino, but there will be great variation among the babies. You might get a few super hypos, but I sincerely doubt it. Most will be hypos or nice high yellows/tangerines.

Hope this helps!