Fs/T Comic Books!

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Shai Gurl

Po-Dunk Gal
Sep 16, 2002
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In the middle of Po-Dunk nowhere Wyoming
Wellp, I have some comic books that I've held onto for the greater part of the last decade and I've decided to test the waters to see exactly what sort of interest people might have in them.... I have a small box full of these guys and I am looking more into their value, heres the list:

X-Men, "no 33 Jun 1994" (where Sabretooth kills Gambit's girl friend)
X-Men 2099, "1 Oct 1993?" (I've never opened this one, its in it's original wrapper)
X-Men in the Spectacular Spider Man, "Vol 1, no: 197" 1993
The Mighty Thor 475th issue (I haven't opened it/in original wrapper)
Batman Vol 37 (published in 1976)
Batman Vol 481 "Messenger of Zeus" 1992
Elongated Man Vol 2, 1992
Captain Victory Issue 7 (Published 1982)
Aquaman Drowning? Vol 10, 1992
Shadow Strikes Vol 23, 1991
Justice League America Vol 65, 1992
Green Lantern (Gorilla warfare Part 1 of 4, vol 30), 1992
Ghosts Vol 92 (Published 1980)
Cloak and Dagger Vol 2 number 4 (published 1986)
Spanners Galaxy Vol 3, 1985
Sonic Disruptors Number 7, 1988
Ms. Tree Special, Number 9, 1992
Transformers vol 3, 1987
Archie Adventure Series "Blue Ribbon Comics," No 14, 1984
The Outsiders "Evil Twins," No 20, 1987
The Micronauts, no 53, 1983
NCG "Young Masters 2," 1987
Star Reach Classics "Parsifal," No 6, 1984
The Champion of Katara, no 1, 1987
Dennis the Menace Number 9, 1982

Let me know what you have or what you have to offer.

-Sara Eyre

PS: I have a near complete collection of those Marvel Trading cards (I still have them pretty well packed away). Anywho, thats about it far as flea market stuff goes.... Unless someone wants to make an offer on one of my blades, I love them sharp objects, however, I can be parted with them for the right price.
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