Male conda toffee 66% het swiss chocolate $2800 shipped
Male super conda 66% het swiss/toffee $1500 shipped
Male conda 66% het swiss toffee $1000 shipped
Female conda 66% het swiss/toffee $1000 shipped
Parents from Jules toth pics of parents and visual siblings available all looking to catch a ride and eating great on f/t fuzzies.Feel free to text me at 702 533 2486.
Male super conda 66% het swiss/toffee $1500 shipped
Male conda 66% het swiss toffee $1000 shipped
Female conda 66% het swiss/toffee $1000 shipped
Parents from Jules toth pics of parents and visual siblings available all looking to catch a ride and eating great on f/t fuzzies.Feel free to text me at 702 533 2486.