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  1. H

    For Sale Retics for sale!!

    I have a few snakes for sale. All from the same clutch. First is a Male platinum sun fire super tiger $3000 Female platinum super tiger $1500 Male Sun fire super tiger $1000 Male tiger$ 150 Female Super dwarf $800 Breeder size You can call me about them anytime 484-881-1095
  2. H

    Male tiger

    Hello I have a male tiger the breeding was sunfire supertiger x platinum tiger het he has eaten once an shed once 150 or best offer call or text me 484-881-1095
  3. H

    Sunfire supertiger male

    This little guy came from breeding a female sunfire supertiger x a platinum tiger het. He has eaten twice and shed once. He's alittle on the small side. He was a twin but the other one didn't make it. You can call or text for more questions my name is Alex 1000 or best offer!! 484-881-1095
  4. H

    Wanted Breeder size female tiger het albino

    Preferably in the Pa area for pickup