Search results

  1. M

    Wanted Waxy frogs Bicolor

    Looking for a few young Giant Waxy Tree Frogs- I have seen a few young one for sale but seem to miss them by a few weeks. Connections would be greatly appreciated too. Also still looking for some YSCT's (yellow spotted climbing toads). I heard imports will be coming in around April. Anyone...
  2. M

    Wanted Yellow Spotted Climbing Toads

    Looking for male, female or toadlets. For pet purposes only :-)
  3. M

    Pipa Parva

    I have a female adult pipa parva looking for a new home.
  4. M

    Help needed Wanted Yellow spotted climbing toads

    Hi- Looking for some YSCTs contacts, toadlets, or an adult. Wanted for personal pet. Thanks!
  5. M

    Wanted Pipa Parva

    Looking for any size pipa parva..