I have a cserpents combo rack that I got used about a month and a half ago, today when it was feeding time I noticed two of the tubs on the middle shelf where my probe is were hotter than normal, temp gun read them at 110. This is only happening to the two middle sets of tubs, the ones on bottom...
Looking for 2 or 3 breeding age males of different morphs,nothing entirely specific. I have a lot of females ready to breed and am looking for some males for them. PM me what you have.
I have 1 anery and 3 het anery sand boas left, they were born on October 5th. I would rather at the moment do a local pickup/drop off in the Rochester/Buffalo area as I don't want to ship in the cold.
I'm sure this has been posted before but I don't know how to go about looking through old posts. I want to look into building my own racks for sand boas and hognoses, what material is best and where can I get it? I've heard wood, pvc, and something called melamine.
I have 9 het anery unsexed sandboas left (I don't quite know how to sex them yet as I am very new to breeding) I'd prefer to do a local pickup/drop off rather than shipping. They are all feeding on live pinkies.
Looking for a male Paradox snow KSB to pair with the females I got recently. The females are young and I have no plans to pair them any time soon so age of the male is flexible.
How many females can you pair one male with? I've heard of people using the same father for some snakes for several pairs, so how many could a KSB go for? I would never plan to go more than 2, but would it be safe to do 2 or should I stick with a 1.1 pair?
I have had two sand boas for about 2 years and they just had their first set of babies, all doing very well. I plan to sell all but one, and start another set of breeders about two years from now. I believe I have just typical sand boas (orange and black), don't know if there is a certain name...
I'm looking to purchase a proven pair of day geckos when the weather gets warmer around here. I have a pair of Madagascar Giant Day geckos and I just love to look at them, so I'd like to get another pair. I don't want another pair of Madagascar Giant, but am open to many of the types I have seen...
I have a few day geckos (2 enclosures of couples that were paired before I even got them, no worries there) but with winter coming up and it being a harsh one where I live last year, its about time I look into options for heating their tanks. What would be my best option outside of their heat...
So i have had a pair of two geckos that were perfectly fine for months, no fighting or anything over food or whatever. But today the female suddenly lashed out and bit the male pretty bad. Its not just a few missing scales, there is visible flesh. Is there anything I can do to help the poor guy...
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