I saw this on Ron Trempers sight and was quite confused. Ive never heard of a Florida strain hypo. I know that the Bell strain is (AKA) the Florida strain. Is there any other insight as to what he is referring to?
Here's a group that I hope I can get to breeding size by late summer. The Bell Hybino is courtesy of HISS. The other female is het redstripe,bold stripe,bell albino. As well as the male. He still weirds me out. he looks like a red stripe super hypo jungle.
Cool changes in this tremper hatchling. The first pic was taken the day it hatched (3-26-06), and the second picture was taken today. The eggs were incubated at a consitant 85 degrees. It's 90 degrees and humid in the rear of his tub and look how dark. Beautiful yet bizzare. :thumbsup: The...
The red stripe carrot tail in the first two pics has been busy this season. He's gotten considerably........ dark?? No really he has.
Last two are just two favorites I can't stop filming. They've been good boys and gals so they got some waxies this week.LOL
Sorry for the off topic post. Just got home from the ultrasound can't get rid of the perma-smile. I got to see him with the new 3-D ultra sounds they have. My little junior. :)
Just thought I'd share as many already have, of their first as well as new offspring. The parents are 100% het bell hybino courtesy of HISS. I was really psyched about these eggs due to the fact that they were laid on Dec.25th. Christmas eggs whooo!! :dancer01:
Well, the season's officially underway and as always excited to see what we get. I currently have 6 hybino eggs brewing as well as 4 from my blizzard 66% het bell x bell and 4 from him x DH bell blazing.
Today I found these. Very excited about this cross.
Well this guy is definitely a keeper.. hehe. I knew that when he hatched. LOL
His name is :alien: E.T. :alien: cause he is one Extreme Terrestrial!!
He's a pig too look at his chompers full with 3 mealies at a time. :alien:
Cleaned some cages this evening and thought I'd snap a few. The first is my jungle bell group. They should be ready to go late spring. The pics do them no justice. These guys and gals are just awesome. The red stripe in the mix is one of two females that I'll use to outcross my red stripe bell...
This guy's pattern seems to be connecting nicely. Think it will hold through adult hood? :cool:
and then of course my beloved blizzard. He's definately one of my favorites.
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