Hey Man i couldn't respond to your post as they closed the thread, my fault. i didn't go by the TOS when posting that thread. Anyways, to answer your question. He said he liked the female (if she was the best looking female i had) and i told him i wasn't for sure she was. I sold him the pair, and told him i would take pictures of the additional females i have available and will give him the opportunity to swap the female in the ad out for one of the others if he finds one he likes better. i should have already sent him the photos, but just seriously have not had time to get them together for him because of everything happening the way it has in the past week. I can understand his frustration with me, but it just seriously pissed me off a bit when i saw that he in fact had outright lied to me. I have every intention of sending him the photos if i can get to taking some tomorrow. i suppose i just got pissy with the state of things after i read that last e:mail. I do what i say i will, and have NEVER just given him a true time frame of when i would send the pictures other than i would send them ahead of time so he could pick the exact female he wanted before i was to ship the pair.
thanks for your response to that thread man i do appreciate it!
matthew watkins