Southern Wolf
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  • Have a happy and safe 4th of July!!

    Well, thank you for all your help.

    I wish you lots of luck when you start breeding your Ball Pythons. If I have a big enough place I might look into buying to start breeding my own. ^^
    So would the Aspen Snake bedding work as well for them?

    I'm moving into Texas, so the temperature thing should be decently easy. >.<
    I heard it was bad to use a heat rock but, if I were to use a heat lamp that happened to shine down on just a rock, would that still get too hot for my snake?

    Do you breed BP as well as your corn snakes and king snakes?
    Haha. Wow that doesn't sound good. Seeing as I'm moving in with my bf's mom, him, and his brother. Shes terrified of snakes. >.<

    I might just go the ball python route then. They're fatter and slower moving so I think it might be more manageable. I just didn't think my cage was large enough for one.

    Do they live in the same type of environment as a corn? If I remember correctly, they need more moisture in their cage but besides that its almost the same?
    Uhm, one quick one. You said something about a baby corn getting out of my top wire mesh. Can they climb up the sides of the box 13" without any holds like that?
    I read through all your replies to my post and just wanted to say thank you a ton. It was really helpful. Now I just need to make the choice between a corn and ball. >.<
    What's going on? Hope things are well with you. :) Getting ready for the holidays yet?
    Does anyone know the mailing address for Want to take legal action against them for taking my money and not sending the lizard. Site only gives e-mail address and phone#. They don't response to e-mails or phone calls. Know the owner is Steve Gotti;, at least that is the name on their paypal acct.
    BTW what do you feed your roaches??

    I've been feeding a mix of kale, endive, turnip greens, mustard greens, and fruit and veggie scraps I'd normally toss out, and they seem pretty damned happy with that.

    I know a lot of people give them the crested gecko diet left over int their bowls, but I've had a HUGE fruit-fly problem this year, so I don't like the CGD to be left around any longer that I have to have it.
    Hey-Kevin!!!In the spring, wanna do a roach species swap??

    I send you a set amount of lateralis and you send me dubias??
    Well, that just sucks!!

    Being an Italian momma, I expect hearty appetites and dishes that get emptied!!

    I'd have to punish them for wasting food!!
    LOL-I just don't want a bunch of larger snakes that I'll have to hide when the landlord/maintenance/Sect. 8 people come to inspect or do work.

    Are balls really that picky?
    Cool. Just wondered if I missed it and the snakie ate it.

    When I saw the eyes the other day, I put the damp moss box it...same as I use for a lay box for the cresties. I figured it would work for them, and it helped Coral really well. Found the shed right outside the hole.

    I just didn't know if they sometimes eat them.

    BTW-autumn is here...we have our first frost warning for tonight. Had to pull my plants in.
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