Super leo, super leo clown, super leo pied super leo clown pied,have been made and bred/proven, Evan Stahl made a super pinstripe and proven/bred,and a handful of super spiders have been made, but most die soon after birth, but some have been made recently and are thriving(bumblebee het clown to bumblebee). Regular woma super is white but lethal like hidden gene is,Not trying to diss you here, but I think it would be a good selling point for you to at least mention the possibility in your add, even if you don't want to beleive it, no genes haven't produced a super as of yet, people simply haven't wanted to try with calico and have made thier decisions based on one clutch nobody can prove exists, but after discovering the leo and pin and seeing how they look so similar to the dominant form most agree it's impossible to have a dominant without a super. Again, sorry if you are offended, just though it may help, if you want me to I'll delete my posts