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  • In ref to cages in Milford, Ohio: Hello - Sorry for delay was working today. Sorry I can't meet; I take care of my mother - Shoot me a offer for cage, racks and 5 or 6 CB70 tubs - I'll give you a good deal on everything. 513 - 289-1110 text or I'll check my email later tonight. Thanks for the interest, Mike
    I see you visited
    ("Pyxielover") and profile name ("Christopher Rodriguez")Post for trade for adult horned frogs. Did you cut a deal with him? If you did did he deliver or send the frogs? I sent babies yesterday and he did not send me the adults.

    Thank you!
    Robert Sands
    Brandon, FL.
    Lol, I guess, I wasnt sure what to do, it hust suprised me :) When I checked again this morning there were 4 total slugs and I just left a nest box in there hoping that she would clear out everthing. Just dont want her to get egg bound... I had it in with females too and it was locking up with them :)
    Hey Stephen, that male Okeetee that you sent me back in February/March is not a male, lol. Came home from work yesterday to slugs in the cage, lol. Im pretty sure that there is not going to be anything fertile, but who knows... Ill let you know when he/she is dont laying what happens :)
    Can you send me pics of the anery male i just picked up a pair of anery's form brandon about 2 weeks ago but im interested in a adult male. How old is he? Is he a normal anery or a hypermel? Is he proven?
    I have alot of uromastyx and tegu open for trades.
    my email is
    [email protected]
    -mike rodriguez
    714 883-5233
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