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  • Have a happy and safe 4th of July!!

    RE: Karma

    I sincerely hope so. I loathe scammers, moreso now than I ever did, and I will expose them every chance I get.
    I am keepina lots of balls, hondos, a few types of boas, corns, still got my rhino rats and some cal kings, brooksi, womas and some mandarin rats on the way. how about you?
    They're great. I'm still trying to find a storefront that is reasonable. I picked up some mandarins and a couple dh ghost rainbows recently. I am running out of room quick! How about yours?
    Hi Kyle :) did we meet at the Cleveland show by any chance?
    I know I've seen you post around, what corns are you working with this year?
    Your Welcome =D

    Yup, I'll be there in about two hours probably. Gotta to get my brother to wake up & answer his phone =P
    The crystals should make a gallon.

    The T is a just molted vericolor.

    What green type? ;)
    My only regret is not having the stomach to condense it into a collage so that all the atrocity could be viewed at the same time in all it's perverted glory...
    I'm trying Fitz w/Mi Cara now, here the link to the thread about it if you want to see. I put up a picture that shows his whole pattern. I like the one in the album cause he's coiled into a heart shape =)
    Lol, it wouldn't be as fun if it sounded right ;)

    No, no hots. I've been tempted forever, but I'm pretty sure I'd make a stupid mistake & get tagged. I've accidentally grabbed two like they were just garter snakes, I think that used all my luck up.

    I do admire them, they're fascinating.
    Your message board doesn't like posting my messages.
    'Stalking of friends' doppelgangers' has been added to my list of hobbies =)
    The Forked Tongue, sells pretty pretty eyelash vipers. I thought it was you for a second. Since it wasn't I didn't get one, which greatly improved my life expectancy.
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