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  • Hi! I’m not finding a phone number to text you. I’m interested in something you just listed: 0.1 DH Albino Pied 400g - $250

    Eric, How is your season going? Everything good? I got another clutch today of Het Red X Pewter and the other day Firefly x Pinstripe.
    Eric, Gravity fed is what I am using. I have a handful of females mating right now and the rest are eating everything in sight. Hoping to get 2 early 2012 males to go this year. One is hooked up right now and the other isn't so interested yet.

    How are you? Yes I did and got 3 others as well. Breeding around 150 a week or so. Automatic watering on them all and casters on the bottom. Have them in an air conditioned room. I did have to knock a hole through the block to pur a Grainger exhaust fan. How is everything with you?

    Hey Eric! Sure thing on the good karma, happy to share it where applicable. The snakes are both doing well; the male is growing like a weed and the female is a little slower but also doing well. I've raised them both up slow so it won't be until sometime next year that they get paired, if then. Since I got them I've caught the bug pretty bad, lol! Up to a dozen at this point, with several visual morphs and a few hets in the mix as well. Good to hear from you and see you around; take care!
    I actually almost called you once to do the same. Have seen your ads advertising the Albinos several times. His name is Cameron Biggs, he's like 6" 7". Lots of nice local people here involved in Ball Pythons. You can call me at work sometime to chat. 561-964-4488, Peace, D
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