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  • Same :( I recently had to move as well up to my grandparents, and the internet here isn't exactly the best. (we live out in the boonies) So even though there is internet, there isn't wifi, either way I don't have my xbox live. I don't even have my xbox hooked up. Can't wait to move so i have it back. lol.
    im good, miss playin XBL, but good! haha. hows your reach thing going? :D
    thats awesome! :D i love fishing too. but i love shooting more. and when you combine the two? im in redneck heaven! :D
    Haha. You catch anything? Gotta have SOME reward for the pain after lol :D
    pale is good though! :D least in my eyes :p i hate being burned! it sucks :( i never tan, just get red, get pale again, and dont peel :p
    thats good :) i wish i could go fishing! you workin on that tan? i know you wisconsoners are all pale all the time :p ive been good, hating this heat, but good.
    Hai Carly! *waves* i got my xbl up and goin again, add me if you want: Uttabutta :D
    been great! i need to re-up my prescription though >_<. yours?

    nice pic BTW :D
    O_O NOOOOOO, my 2 favorite teams are the Denver Broncos and who evers playing the steelers :p
    I'm wonderful :] School is going really well, same as work! I've stuck to my new years resolution which was quitting soda and fast food =P How have you been? :)
    was a good x-mas. thanks for askin! :D

    its so much cheeper! :D id also recommend getting a freezer solely for your feeders.
    WOW! that's AWESOME! time to look into more BP morphs to buy from that night :p how was your x-mas? get anything fun there?
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